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Venom_Raptor Blog

Shadows of the Damned

If someone told me a few weeks back that I'd be reviewing Shadows of the Damned with a 9/10 rating, I would have punched them in the face and told them they were mentally deranged:| Well I wouldn't, but that's exactly how stunned I would have been to find that out :P

Now, I can proudly say I'm pleased to have experienced one of the most surprisingly best games of all time (for me) and my review is up with a very satisfactory 9/10 rating stapled to it.

First impressions on the video review made this look totally weird and forgettable for me, and I actually quote myself here as I posted on the review "Looks weird and forgettable". How wrong was I. The more I saw on it, I suddenly got a desire to play the game, and the more I looked into it, that desire grew stronger and stronger until I finally went out and rented it. Shadows of the Damned is a psychological action horror thriller that features lots of strong gore, sexual humour and strange art design amidst nail-biting puzzle and shooting mechanics that revolve entirely around light vs. dark. It's a neat concept that only gets weirder once you indulge in crazy activites in a hostile realm full of demons. You'll question the bizarre objectives constantly, asking yourself - "Why is there a baby head on a gate requesting a strawberry to let me pass?" or "Hell has vending machines that supply alcohol to heal my health??" Now I can easily say upon completing it, that Shadows of the Damned is weird, provocative yet unforgettable, and is a must-play artistic masterpiece that everyone needs to experience.

I so badly love this game at the present time, that I'm even going through the process of changing my Three Days Grace/Adam Gontier theme here on Gamespot to a Shadows of the Damned/dark horror-themed one! My good friend EHZ is working on a banner for me, and I'm just waiting for images to upload because of some technical (typical) issues on Gamespot at the moment. My profile is going to be a lot darker in tone, and I think it'll suit my username, so get ready for that! In the near future I want to add this twisted game to my collection, so I'll have that to look forward to aswell. :D

For anyone interested on my thoughts on this third-person horror adventure, my review is available here. Thanks for reading everyone, and I hope you get to experience thisawesome gamesometime in the future, like I did this week. :)

My E3 2011 Highlights: Part 3

Another long delay since my last post. Oops :oops: I'll finish this series eventually :P

Anyway, here are my next 2 picks from E3 2011.


Dead Island

This open world first-person zombie shooter with a major emphasis on melee combat and with RPG elements is my most anticipated game of 2011. I've waited a very long time to see this game be made, and was thrilled to hear it announced for PS3 aswell. E3 2011 showed off some gameplay, and while the graphics look a bit disappointing I just hope the framerate is good. The overall gameplay should be awesome as you can cut through enemies with a variety of gruesome weapons with the ability to level up as you progress by completing missions in a unique and bloodthirsty tropical paradise-turned-hellish-nightmare. Can't wait!!

Release Date - September 9th 2011

Dead Island Stage Demo



This awesome-looking post-apocalyptic first-person shooter is my second most anticipated game of this amazing gaming year. It looks visually stunning, both technically and artistically, and the gameplay looks solid and enjoyable, with some good vehicle sections thrown in aswell. Everything about this game looks impressive, and hopefully the story is just as compelling as the post-apocalyptic setting filled with mutants and perilous danger.

Release Date - October 7th 2011

Rage Stage Demo


In other game-related news, I've recently rented F.E.A.R. 3 and so far it's decent, but short on scares. I'll have a review for that soon. Also yesterday I posted my Assassin's Creed 2 review. :)

Thanks for reading :) 'Til next time ;)

My E3 2011 Highlights: Part 2

Firstly, I'd just like to say how pleased I am that the recently released failure (Duke Nukem Forever) has got what it deserved on Gamespot. It is by far the most shockingly bad game I've seen hit shelves in recent memory.

Anyway, enough about bad games, and on to the promising games of the future that were shown at E3 this year. If you missed Part 1 to this blog series, click here.


Prototype 2

Prototype was an excellent game that saw you take control of anti-hero shapeshifter Alex Mercer. The sequel has one of the best story developments for me in recent memory and sees you take control of a different character who wants revenge against Mercer because he believes he was responsible for his families deaths at the hand of the virus that took hold of Manhattan. Alex Mercer is one of my favourite video game characters, and to actually have to aim to defeat him in Prototype 2 is certainly an interesting twist. The gameplay will feature more blood, gore and disturbing consume-based moves, and it's shaping up to be awesome!

Release Date: 2012

Prototype 2 Stage Demo


Far Cry 3

I knew the sequel to one of the best open world First-person shooters was in development, but its hidden reveal at E3 during the Ubisoft conference (which I watched live) with an actual demo was nothing short of fantastic and completely unexpected! There is lots of potential for Far Cry 3, and even from the demo there looked to be improved graphics, gunplay, stealth and character development (with a really good villain displayed above). It concluded with a really good cliffhanger and I really can't wait to get this immediately. No doubt one of my most anticipated games. Bring on 2012!

Release Date: 2012

Far Cry 3 Stage Demo


Thanks for reading

- Scott :)

My E3 2011 highlights: Part 1

Well another E3 has come to a close, but it's short duration is worth it every year. This is the first part of a blog series displaying my personal favourite gaming highlights from this year's E3. The games I show are in no specific order.


Silent Hill: Downpour

Silent Hill: Downpour will be the latest entry into the Silent Hill series. From the demo and interviews I've watched, I'm glad to hear that this horror game will be more atmospheric and have a big focus on exploration and puzzle elements rather than combat. In fact, it's supposed to be about 70% exploration and 30% combat. It looks scary and will feature more deformed monsters like previous games. Looking forward to this!

Release Date: Fall 2011

Silent Hill: Downpour Stage Demo


The Darkness 2

Despite the stupid decision to make the graphics cell-shaded (a technique I cannot stand!), The Darkness 2 still looks like it will be a solid horror shooter. There will be a much larger effect when entering the light in this sequel, and from the demo it looks like enemies will look to make it challenging for the player. The best thing about the game though apart from gruesomely eating hearts for upgrades, is the execution kills. Horrifically violent and gory, I can't wait to see all variations! I'll miss the gloomy visuals from the first game, but am still excited to see the game later this year.

Release Date: October 7th 2011

The Darkness 2 Stage Demo


Check back later on for the next couple of games I'm hyped about!

Thanks for reading :)

E3 2011 was epic! Now that it's over, here comes the hard part...

... finding time and money for the enormous amount of games that are on my wishlist for day 1 purchases!!

But first, Hi everyone, hows it going? :)

It has been a long time since my last blog post, and my contributions to your blogs have been rare, if at all, in the space that I haven't been blogging. But, I just haven't been in that blogging mood for quite a while (duh!) and to add insult to injury, Gamespot is annoying me lately. The major source of that frustration is the tracking games system. For months if you clicked on a game with the intention to add it to your playing list, wish list or collection it would somehow also place it into your following list, meaning going to your profile to delete it. But now, you can't even access those options from the main page of a game, since all it does is allow you to follow it. You have to search it into the 'search' bar (which isn't very good at finding specific games) and then add it to your lists from there. And furthermore, it still adds it to your following, meaning that Gamespot's way of trying to correct the issue just fell flat!

The technical side of Gamespot is concerning me at the moment, and in fact, I watched most of E3 from IGN where the videos were at least working properly. But don't worry! I'm not leaving! :D I still enjoy reviewing games here, going about the forums and the overall presentation of the site. Oh, and you guys of course ;)

Anyway, so E3 was awesome right? Lots of games of varying genres have caught your eye with the demos and information revealed about them? Of course they have! Which leads me to the point where from tomorrow I'll be posting my wishlist and views on the games I want in a several-part blog (possibly 3-5?) complete with descriptions, opinions, screenshots and links to gameplay videos! So stay tuned for them :)

Later guys!

Killzone 3 is epic!

Did I miss some of your blogs again? :? Sorry, been busy (I know, same excuse lol) but it's true. I have been playing Killzone 3 since Sunday, finished the campaign the same day, and also played some multiplayer.

The single player campaign was epic, and packed with awesome action, gore and setpieces within the artistically stunning locations of Helghan, and succeeded on keeping yourattention right towards the end (which was sadly a bit of an anticlimax).

The multiplayer is good, though frustrating, and unlocks come slowly. I got bored, and find the botzone multiplayer much more enjoyable.

I wrote my review for Killzone 3 recently, only on single player though. Overall I'd rate it 9.5/10. Thumbs up will be, as always, much appreciated. :)


I purchased 2 movies recently aswell, relatively cheap, but well worth the money. I've seen them before, but they are both awesome. The movies were:



That's it for me now, I think I'll finish off Need for Speed: Shift then see what other games I need to play. Thanks for reading, later everyone! :)

My most anticipated game!

Miss my 2 year Gamespot anniversary blog?



After just over 4 years of tracking this slow developing game, news recently made it clear that Dead Island is coming along nicely, with a new trailer being released, and first impressions being written. A long time ago I was hoping that it would actually be as good as it sounds - a First-person,open world zombie slasher with RPG elements, with a main emphasis on melee combat. But more so, I was deeply hoping it would be released for the PS3. If not, it wouldn't have mattered too much because I would have gotten an xbox360 just for this game (thats how bad I want it), but the fact it is now coming to the PS3 makes it the best piece of news I've heard all year.

Believe it or not, but Dead Island is probably my most anticipated game of all time, beating the anticipation I had for Dead Space 2 ( :o ), my anticipation for Killzone 3, Bioshock: Infinite and even Batman: Arkham City, and after 4 years of waiting and hoping that Dead Island would be made, yet alone come to the PS3, I can't wait to get my hands on this game possibly at the end of this year. The big focus on story-telling looks probable, and the multi-layer damage system looks to make the melee combat gratifying and disturbing like you've never seen before, and if done right, this is easily GOTY material.


My 2 year anniversary on Gamespot

Ignore where it says member since March 31, 2010 on this profile, this is the date I very first joined Gamespot on my M0wen10 account, and it's been 2 years filled with making new friends, writing reviews, taking part in the community, and of course, unfortunate controversary which caused me to start afresh.

The Beginning:

I started going on Gamespot during the early releases of games for the PS3 in 2007, and continued to check games on the site forthe simple reason of it's simple, yet brilliant, layout that was easy to navigate, and the well presented reviews by the staff of Gamespot.

I continued to visit the site until February 17th, where me and my brother decided to create an account to write reviews (something I'd always been inspired to do by Gamespot's fabulous ones). The mistake during creating the account was putting M0wen10 as the username, since we didn't realise that that was the name everyone would see on the site, we just thought it was a login username. Anyway, my brother soon become bored, but I continued on Gamespot by reviewing certain games I'd played, contributing on the forums and basically tracking games I was looking forward to. I never dreamed that the M0wen10 username would soon be a familiar and infamous name in the coming year.


I soon became very involved with Gamespot, and it was a site I was going on every day where I had spare time. (At this point I still didn't have PSN). I gradually began tracking people who wrote good reviews, and soon became best friends with a user named GameReviews2009 (now known as groundgamer, but unfortunately he's been absent for some time). Anyway, we started chatting, and I began to use the messaging system more and more and read his blogs. It was at this point in time that I decided to make blogs of my own relating to games primarily. I only had a couple of comments, but soon people began tracking me, I began tracking more and more users, and within months I had become a well known user amongst my new friends. I wrote more and more reviews, made more and more blogs straying from the usual game-related subject, and before I knew it, I had been on Gamespot for a whole year, had over 10,000 forum posts, over 56 written reviews, and more than 100 blogs. Things were coming along nicely with my Three Days Grace theme covering my profile page,or so I thought.

The controversy:

After meeting numerous friends who are still good friends with me now (people such as "tntkng" , "syler4815162342" and "tennis12master") (Sorry for not mentioning many people, but you guys know who you are) I became well known for my Top 10 list blogs, and sometime within March 2010, the collapse of my M0wen10 was nearing when I wrote a blog series "Top 10 favourite actors". I never had my account set to friends only, since I wanted to continue to meet more people, but now I wish (or perhaps not) that I should have done. This series drew the attention of some very rude users who I won't mention, but I became increasingly angered towards these people as I continued to post. They were having conversations together on the comments list about my poor choice of opinion for the actors and movies I like, and I raged like I never thought I would. A few days later, I had been suspended for a week for my actions, and subsequently dropped 4 whole levels on the site (from level 26 to level 22). That was a tough blow, but not as much as the fact that every single one of my written reviews had been completely bashed (every one received 4 or more thumbs down over one night). This was devastating for me, since it made my reviews look bad and worthless, and mainly because it was the reason I joined Gamespot in the first place. And so not long after, I threw in the towel and said I was leaving indefinitely, I needed a break from the horrible events that took place that month. M0wen10 was broken and a controversial user to many from then on, and only my best of friends stuck by my side.

My rebirth:

During my few months absent period I devised a plan to make up for what had happened on that account, and within a few weeks had created Venom_Raptor. I planned to rewrite every single one of the reviews I'd done on my other account but make them much, much better, detailed and helpful, and so I set to work secretly over the coming months working extremely hard on improving my writing skills and varied vocabularly that would make them better. In June I announced my secret on my M0wen10 account, and was pleased with the reactions ofmy Gamespot friends that I was still a good friend.

The now:

And so since June 2010 I have been on my Venom_Raptor profile, carefully selecting my friends who would join me on this new beginning, and while I picked someone who still had a grudge against me, that is now sorted, and that user is gone! I have numerous friends that I have known for a very long time, my reviews are now well presented and I'm very pleased how frequently I get to post more in-depth one, and more than anything, am thankful for the support of my many friends who thumb them up and enjoy reading them. I now have lots of reviews (56 I think), each improving every time I write them (still some reviews that require re-writing), I read in my spare time which helps me write better, and play lots of games on PSN which I love more than anything. No one knows what I look like, no one will probably ever know what I look like in person on this site, but you guys know me very well never-the-less, and I can now produce variousblogs that vary from game and movie-related, to personal problems that hamper my life in the real world, and I still have the support from people who are truly awesome.

Thanks to everyone who read this Gamespot biography from beginning to end, I hope it provided a deeper insight into the Three Days Grace fan you know and love. :P

Doesn't time fly when you're having fun? :)

- Scott

R-rated Bioshock movie couldn't get funding

Well, the Bioshock movie was something I was really anticipating for the future, but recent news has proven it may not happen at all, or not in the right way.

Full story here

Basically, what's being said is that no one is prepared to pay out budget-wise for an R-rated adaptation of the Bioshock game, and Verbinski (Pirates of the Caribbean films) isn't prepared to pursue a PG-13 movie. I totally agree with him. How on earth can you make Bioshock a PG-13 movie?!? The game is mature rated, and making it into a PG-13 would cut just about everything out of the game that would make the movie so amazing. The concepts within the game all revolve around disturbing, gruesome and frightening imaginative ideas, the movie would have to be filled with disturbing environments, imagery and violence to replicate the impact made within the game.

It seems based on this news that the Bioshock movie may not happen at all, and to be honest, I'd rather it not be made at all than see a young teens movie hit the screen which wouldn't make any sense to the younger audience, like it would to the mature audience of gamers that understand and have experienced Rapture in all it's disturbing formats.

Such a shame.

Dead Space 2 review up; Killzone 3 looking epic!

Well I finally got my Dead Space 2 review posted the other day, had some trouble on the site trying to post it, but at least I got itposted eventually :P You can't find it here if you're interested on my thoughts on the game. :)

In conclusion though, Dead Space 2 wasn't as good or as scary as the first game.


I played the Killzone 3 multiplayer beta for a while earlier this week, and I must say, it is looking epic! I played mostly botzone, and the enemy AI is so good, the gunplay and hit detection is perfect, and the aiming is easier than before. Can't wait to play through the single player campaign. Oh and the brutal melee kills were amazing! :D

One thing that pissed me off though is the single player demo that recently got added on the PSN store is for PS+ subscribers only, what a f****** stupid idea! Ah well, I can wait until it's release date to experience that so no worries.


I saw Inception last week too, and it was a breathtaking piece of filmmaking and special effects. The story was very engrossing and you have to follow really closely to what's happening otherwise you'll get lost, but all in all I loved the whole concepts behind the dreams that were thought up, and the ending was great, even if it got a bit confusing.


Anyway, that's all I have to say for now, just a quick blog update, thanks for reading! :)

P.S. Currently playing GTA IV:The Ballad of Gay Tony after finishing The Lost and Damned yesterday, and I have a review for that too :P

- Scott ;)