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Venom_Raptor Blog

The tagging plague hits again :P

Hey guys, first blog for a while, been kind of busy at work and on PSN lately I guess ;) :P

Anyway, thanks @tntkng for tagging me!!! :x Just joking dude :P :)

21 Facts:

1. I completed Dead Space 2 a few days ago.

2. I rate Dead Space 2 9.5/10.

3. I rate Dead Space 10/10, which yes, means I didn't think Dead Space 2 was better than the first.

4. I didn't like Isaac Clarke talking, a silent protagonist worked better in my opinion.

5. I'll start Dead Space: Extraction soon.

6. I'm currently working on my Dead Space 2 review.

7. There will be no more Dead Space related facts from now. :P

8. On Saturday I purchased the Episodes from Liberty City GTA IV DLC from the PSN store.

9. I am currently playing The Lost and Damned and rate it 8.5/10

10. I got a permanent contract offer for my work, so I am now... permanent. :)

11. I can drive 8)

12. I pre-ordered Saw 7!

13. I'm a huge fan of the Saw franchise (games and movies) if you didn't know already :P

14. The premier league football matches over the weekend were intense with so many goals!!

15. Arsenal were 4-0 up against Newcastle at half-time, but Newcastle pulled it back to 4-4 by the end by scoring a fantastic long-range volley! It was insane, and they are the only team in premier league history to comeback from a 4-0 deficit.

16. I ordered a movie called Flatliners which looks intriguing. Was released in 1990 and stars Keifer Sutherland.

17. My next most anticipated game is Killzone 3!

18. I played the Killzone 3 beta (mostly Botzone) and thought it was epic! Can't wait! :D

19. I want to see more Survival Horror games being made!

20. Would love to see Condemned 3 be made in the future.

21. My favourite game of all time is still Dead Space! Will anything beat it?? :o


Well there you have some rather awesome facts about me! Later everyone! :P

Dead Space 2 (finally) arrived!!

After 2 years of awaiting the sequel to my favourite game, it eventually arrived yesterday afternoon! I didn't play it that evening, and I haven't played it today, got work soon. So instead want to play it all day on my day off from work tomorrow!!!

Dead Space 2: Limited Edition came with Dead Space: Extraction absolutely free, so there is more Dead Space to experience once Dead Space 2 is complete! :D

Anyway, I'm off to work, but expect to see me playing Dead Space 2 tomorrow on PSN 8)

- Scott :D :D :D

Mistakes, Mistakes and (yep you guessed it) some more mistakes!

Who makes up these tagging 'games' anyway? They just seem to... appear randomly :|:P

Anyway, I'll play along and present you with the 5 mistakes I've made as a gamer (basically the top 5 mistakes that came to my head first).

5. Speaking out of line on my previous GS account.

It was poor behaviour on my part and some other Gamespotters (who I won't be mentioning, but are not welcome here on my profile anyway) and since then I started a new account under Venom_Raptor, took a much needed break, and returned a changed (I hope you think so too) person. But it also worked out in the long run since now I write more helpful reviews. A good ending to a bad situation. :)

4. Not realising on the games and genres I missed out on until the PS3.

Games likes Resident Evil, Silent Hilland other horror games and shooters are games I unfortunately missed out on back in the PS2 era. It's only since I had a PS3 that I got into horror and shooter video games, and now I realise I missed out on many great titles. They are opportunities missed,but I was possibly too young back then anyway, and so I wouldn't have been any good at them. :P

3. Selling my PS2 games! :(

Just after I got a PS3 I sold cla$$ic games that I knew I wouldn't play anymore. Games like Burnout: Revenge, GTA San Andreas and both Star Wars Battlefront games. I haven't sold my PS1 games, and I wish now I didn't sell my favourite PS2 games, but instead kept them forever asmemories. :(

2. Giving Activision my money not once... but twice!

A big mistake that I now regret is giving those inconsiderate thieving ba$tard$ my money for games that were sold at prohibitive asking prices 2 years in a row! Never again will that happen (with a Call of Duty game anyway) :x


As soon as I thought about mistakes, this is the first one that came to mind! :lol: But it's not funny. :| Not only did Dead Space 2 not arrive in time for the release date, but it also didn't arrive yesterday, and so I now won't be able to play it until next Wednesday!! :cry: It's a mistake that will never happen again in the rest of my gaming career! :x

Well, hope you enjoyed reading my mistakes :( :P

I won't be tagging anyone because that's just evil, so you're free! :P

Very pissed off!!

The reason - Because my pre-ordered copy of Dead Space 2 Limited Edition didn't arrive with the post this morning!!!

I've waited 2 years for Dead Space 2, and the whole point of pre-ordering a game is so that it is sent in time for the release date! I knew I shouldn't have pre-ordered it. Bull**** like this always happens to me when I don't want it to the most.

It was my day off from work today, and I was looking forward to playing it immensely, but now... I have to wait until Sunday because I have a busy day at work tomorrow. So unfair! I am NOT pre-ordering important games like this again, it's easier just to go down to my local shop and get it there first thing in the morning.

I'm extremely pissed off because of this, and I won't be coming on PSN until I have Dead Space 2.

Sorry about this rant, but I just wish websites would consider other people when they specifically say that it will be with the buyer in time for the release date, which is absolute s*** because they don't care. :x


Passed my Theory Driving Test and Demo Impressions

Hey everyone! Yesterday I took me theory driving test and passed first time! :D I was especially glad I passed first time since not only would I have had to gone through all the nervous build-up to it again, but it would have cost me another £31 to take the test again. Luck was on my side I guess (for once) and now I just have to take the practical test which I'm definitely not looking forward to in the coming weeks.

Demo Impressions

Yesterday I played 2 demos that I was looking forward to - Bulletstorm and Dead Space: Extraction.

Bulletstorm: My second most anticipated game this year unfortunately didn't impress me, and once I finished the demo I couldn't decide whether I liked it or not. I liked the crude humour and corny dialogue as it suited the game well, but the action was a bit too chaotic for me. I was trying too hard to find ways to kill enemies and was frequently needing to find cover for my health to regenerate, and in the end I kind of just panicked and killed enemies in repetitive ways. Watching the developer play this in the demo last year was much more enjoyable, but maybe I just need to get used to it. However, I am putting this game on hold until reviews come out and the price drops just be safe.

Dead Space: Extraction: This rail shooter that was orginally on the Wii is coming with my Dead Space 2 Limited Edition copy tomorrow, and I wasn't expecting much, but it turned out to be a pleasant surprise. Best thing is that you don't need the Move controller to play it! I used the normal PS3 controller, and while aiming is slightly difficult, the dismemberment gameplay is as satisfying as ever. But what really stood out for me, was the characters and engrossing story that I wanted to see more of. I'll have to wait and see. :)

Well that's it from me for a few days, as from tomorrow I'll be experiencing the epicness of the Dead Space 2 single player campaign! :D

I want to play a game... ; New banner ; Update

"I want to play a game..."

Popular quote from the Saw movies and games before you ask and get the wrong idea:P

Game! :D

So, despite such negative responses to Saw 2: Flesh and Blood, I completed it just the other day and really enjoyed it! I loved the emphasis on survival and puzzle solving which provides the correct sense of urgency without getting frustrating. Graphically it could have been better, but the environment designs were dark and forboding, and the gruesome imagery and eerie music generated an effective, unsettling atmosphere for all the gore to take place. Here's my review I recently completed if you want to find out more, I rated it 8.5/10 :) Very underappreciated and underrated in my opinion, but you can only really enjoy it or understand the story if you have played the previous game and seen all the movies (which I have!!) :P

Banner! :)

I now have a new banner! I had my old (but still awesome) banner from my M0wen10 account for a long time, but now have a new one to show off! And all credit goes to my very good friend on Gamespot - emeraldhillzone. :) Thanks a lot dude, it's awesome! :) Three Days Grace FTW! 8)

(I resized it to fit the blog) ;)

Work! :(

I don't like working! :P And there might be more hours of work coming my way in the near future, which is good and bad.

+ I'll be earning more, which will go towards driving lessons and new games!

- But I'll be (yes you guessed it) working more. :P :(

Well thanks for reading everyone! :) Sorry if I missed your blogs recently, I haven't been on Gamespot as much as I'd like.

- Scott :)

Dead Space 2: Limited Edition Pre-ordered!

I was going to pre-order this (epic!) game earlier but never got around to it. I was going to get the Collectors Edition but the UK PS3 version doesn't come with that awesome-looking replica plasma cutter (which I was very displeased about). :x

Anyway, the Limited Edition was the same price as the standard copy, with the only difference being that Dead Space Extraction comes with it free. I don't own a move controller, but my brother does, so I'll see if I can borrow it from him just for that game, since I don't really like motion controls but this is Dead Space...and I must experience it! ;)


In other gaming news, I'm finally about to play Saw 2: Flesh and Blood which I got for christmas! The reason I haven't played it sooner is because my Mum accidentally purchased the American version of the game from a rip-off website that price their products way above what they are elsewhere. (They bought it from a company called through right? Well my Dad sent the place an e-mail but they are so ignorant, rude and crap at pricing games properly that they haven't replied! So now I'll just keep the foreign version of the game. It cost £48 ($90) which is a ridiculous price, and my parents got ripped off :(

Ah well, I'm at least going to start playing it now, probably later today. Oh it's my sister's 12th birthday today by the way :D

- Scott :)

50 Written Reviews on Gamespot!

Yesterday I posted my 50th PS3 game review here on Gamespot, and if you add my reviews from my other account that adds up to 105 reviews. However all of those reviews on the M0wen10are rubbish and embarrassing when I look back at them now, which is the main reason I created my Venom_Raptor account, to write more in-depth and helpful reviews, and I'm pleased with them so far. I'm surprised how much I've developed my writing and vocabluary skills in just a year (I read a lot of books so I guess I draw improvements from what I've read). :)


Anyway, I still have a lot of reviews to remake from my other profile which will come slowly but surely when I replay the games again. So now I'll post a list of each game I reviewed on this account, from the first to latest:

1. Resistance: Fall of Man


3. Timeshift

4. Uncharted: Drake's Fortune

5. Conan

6. Clive Barker's Jericho

7. Assassin's Creed

8. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

9. Turok

10. Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2

11. Grand Theft Auto IV

12. Dark Sector

13. Condemned 2: Bloodshot

14. Haze

15. Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising

16. Metal Gear Solid 4

17. Pure

18. Fracture

19. Pro Evolution Soccer 2009

20. Far Cry 2

21. Red Dead Redemption

22. Split/Second

23. Bioshock

24. Fallout 3

25. Red Faction: Guerrilla

26. Red Faction: Guerrilla - Demons of the Badlands

27. Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood

28. Killzone 2

29. Bioshock 2

30. Bioshock 2: Minerva's Den

31. Bioshock 2: Protector Trials

32. Mafia 2

33. Saw

34. FIFA 11

35. Fallout: New Vegas

36. Resistance 2

37. Infamous

38. Medal of Honor

39. Mirror's Edge

40. Dante's Inferno

41. Rogue Warrior

42. Dead Space

43. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

44. Vanquish

45. Singularity

46. Call of Duty: Black Ops

47. Burn Zombie Burn

48. Dead Nation

49. Prototype

50. Wolfenstein


So that is all of the game's I've reviewed so far, and the way this year is shaping up, there'll be lots more soon :P

Thanks for Reading :)

Sold 4 games, Purchased 2 new games

Hey everyone, just a small (boring maybe) update on recent activity including games!

I sold 4 games recently:


They've been in my collection for some time (especially Timeshift, I've had that since 2007!) and after playing them a lot, I know I got my moneys worth out of them, but I felt it was time to move on, since I knew I wouldn't play them much anymore.

2 purchased games:


I traded the 4 games for these 2 games straight up, and only had to pay an extra £1 from what was left on my trading card. I rented them both sometime ago, so know I like them, and I'm glad to have them in my collection.

So there you have it, thanks for reading. :)

A rant on outrageous behaviour on Gamespot

Have any of you participated in the Reader's votes for all the different categories for 2010?

I did, and to be honest, I've been appalled by some of the behaviour immature Gamespotters have done.

For example, lately I posted a comment on the genre awards section - Best RPG. I commented, that IN MY OPINION Fallout: New Vegas deserved this. Later today I got a message in my inbox from a GS user telling me that I was wrong! I went mental! What right does someone have to question my opinion, absolutely atrocious, and guess what? I get 15 thumbs down just for stating my opinion! :x

Another example is best driving game, I voted Split/Second and commented that Split/Second was my favourite racing game of 2010. But for sharing my opinion with the community of Gamespot, I get the comment blocked out because it received so many thumbs down. It's unacceptable behaviour to thumb down someone for their opinion, especially over the 2010 awards. There are some really immature people that were commenting in inappropriate ways saying "Why didn't RDR win this" or "How much is Rockstar paying Gamespot?" or even "**** Gamespot, I thought I could trust them, I'm going to IGN who know what they are talking about". Well mate you do that, **** off to IGN, Gamespot doesn't need ***** like you on the site!

People fail to understand Gamespot are NOT telling them which is the best game, they are simply choosing a game that IN THEIR OPINION was better than the other nominees. It's an opinion, why do so many people question that?!


Sorry about that, had to get it off my chest you know.