Th game looks great! Definitely getting this when localized. I'm not too big on the AR though.
Ventara's forum posts
The Gravity Rush boxart looks great! I want that art on NA version.
No. I don't speak Japanese, so I'll have to wait regardless for English games even if I did import.
Ys Celceta ~Sea of Trees~
Well, with Uncharted, Disgaea 3, Persona 4, Dragon's Crown, Escape Plan, and Gravity Rush, my decision was already sealed. Ys just locked it away in a safe with a bulletproof door, where even considering not getting the Vita is inconceivable.
Seriously, the Vita is going to be awesome.
Not really liking that box art, but good to finally see how the Vita game cases will be. I'm bad at proportioning, but compared to the Vita memory card, it looks like the Vita game cases will be small.
Well, what games are you looking for? I'm not into shooters myself, and I thought the PSP was an RPG powerhouse, so maybe I won't be of much help, but if you're looking for more diversity, portable consoles are the way to go. And if you never had a DS, you'll have it's entire catalog available to you if you choose to buy a 3DS. But I have to be honest, from what you've written it doesn't seem likely that you'll enjoy the 3DS.
Alright, I've decided! I knew I was going to purchase the Vita for sure, but now I want this game to be the first game I play on it. I'll buy the Vita when this game releases. Make it happen XSEED!
I don't think Paper Mario 3D will be out that soon, and wasn't Kid Icarus delayed to early 2012? The only game that really interests me that's coming out before the Vita is Super Mario 3D Land, though with the backlog of DS games I have, I'm fine waiting.
Edit: Ahh, just realized that you guys are probably taliking about the NA release of the Vita. I still don't think Paper mario 3D will make it in time, but here's hoping I'm wrong.
[QUOTE="Ventara"]What PSP-1000 are you using that gets 5 hours of battery life? My does pretty well to get a solid 3.Damn it, Sony! What happened to similar to PSP battery life? I was expecting 5 hours minimum. And I can't wait 2 years for a revision!
Whatever, though. I'll still get it on day one for the awesome games, but I am dissapointed.
A magical one? Anyways, it's probably because I keep the volume to a minimum and only play digital copies, but my launch PSP-1000 battery is still solid.
Wow. I knew Xilia was gonna sell, but I didn't expect it to be able to move that many consoles.
And once again, the PSPGO astounds us, nearly doubling it's sales from last week. What a comeback.
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