Horrible news. Another PC great gone forever. And MMO FPS? I could give a rats, hope it fails miserably. I want a hyper-imersive SP game like STALKER, not some annoying group of multiplayer freaks sitting around a campfire together.
Nothing really wrong with the Flight business model. You can pick and choose what parts you want to buy. Alaska area to be DLC soon from what I hear.Thing that really stinks about Flight is its barely improved over FSX and actually worse if you put addons into FSX.
Few questions for the sim experts...Which one is better to easily learn how to procedurally fly? You know, proper plane startup, using ATC, fog(blind) guided landings, etc?Which has the most immersive graphics with or without mods? I'm a major graphics whore.Which has the best GUI system when flying?
So on PC it will be DX11 with much better lod drawin and view distances, right? I bet its the same tired engine.
I'll give the game credit for looking 'decent' and good frame rates to go with it. Nice it maxes out my video card instead of cpu.When it drops in price or has a Game of the Year edition, I might pick this up.
I will be flying into the twin towers for fun. : ZDeViLzzzBesides not being a cool thing to say or do, there is only the Hawaii islands so far.
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