Loved the original Stalker but Clear Sky I just can't get into. It's turned more into a Call of Duty type game where you always battle humans. SoC was neat cause of the creapy mutant stuff IMO, CS sadly lacks much of this. Not to mention CS takes place is the same damn places except for a few new ones so it got a old quickly in the location department.
Just wanted to say I just bought GTASA for PC and it plays great on my Vista64 install with no issues. Lots of excellent mods and about 10x more things to do than GTA4 has. I'll buy GTA4 in a year or so from now when its $10, runs better and has lots of cool mods.
Far as you problem on crashing, perhaps try a nocd .exe.
FO3 is way better in regards to missions than Oblivion IMO. And love the VATS feature adding some strategy. I'd say 85% of my kills are with using VATS, the last 15% is to finish the stubborn ones off with old school FPS run and gun aiming.
If there was one thing I would really want in this game is the ability to gather parts, repair then drive vehicles around for some Carmageddon action!!!
Another thing is the setting never changes, very dull samey envirnment graphics where ever you go.
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