Some peeps are disliking multiplayer added to single player games. There is no problem with both being in the same game so long as they're doing them both right. They shouldn't add a multiplayer unless they know something can really be done there and done right, but so long as it also doesn't mess with the single player experience.
ME3 could be used as an example perhaps, because if we didn't have multiplayer for it then we may not have had such massive cheap endings(that still includes the altered patch). Maybe it really should be looked at by Dev's as to different games and not just some added mode.
All i want multiplayer for ME4, but bigger, better, more challenging then found from ME3. Might be the only thing that will have me buying from EA or Bioware again.
SE is a sinking shit boat anyways. FF15 was going to be the last straw, but this would be the end of them for me. If it is a timed exclusive it better not be for that long, maybe just 3 months.
This exclusive shit has really hit a whole new ugliness. Nobody could have really liked it normal exclusive bs in the first place. I been gaming on PC for the past years, so maybe this isn't the first time a SEQUEL was going to ignore the other platform it got released on.
They had to pay them A LOT to remove the game from a better system and one that is probably out selling it more then 2 to 1. And all that massive BS said from SE about it, it was really sad to hear them trying to justify to the majority of its fans with nothing but bs over bs.
Seems like something that will be expensive for so little and unreliable. Next-gen consoles in 9 years will be about as powerful as current high end pc's are. if you ever want a peek at gaming in the future just look at what PC has now.
I think what it comes down to is when we make things as small as possible, and are waiting on something new, we will just have bigger hardware to hold all the double+ chips for cpu's and gpu's. If we get to that point I wonder how big consoles will get pushed to, will it be big enough that they might as well just be called pc's?. How far away are we from this?. As a PC gamer I couldn't care, a full tower can hold a lot as is; the future isn't scary for us even when looking into 30 years.
Lol, imagine putting in a video card that takes up 4-5 slots and 20 inches long. Motherboards with 6-10 cpu slots. With how slow gaming really seems to be going i don't think we will need to worry about that for a 100 years.
@bubbalooga They had the game for years and couldn't do any balancing?, the game is 1 month away and they have their hands full of balancing problems and other things. Just because its called a beta doesn't mean everything should be waved off like its not going to be a problem, cause it will very likely be our problem for months after release.
I'm not being frantic, its just those problems shouldn't be in the game at this point and could very well be there to stay with Bungie declaring it good enough. It would be far from the first game to just drop the ball and run and take money from its fanatic addicts who are so hyped up they wouldn't know if they were injecting shit into their veins, lol.
Destiny is not a mmo. I couldn't agree with half the things said, but could agree with most of the other half; that was vague, sorry. Its difficult to describe, but it sounded like Destiny was doomed from the start when it didn't meet to what you want from other games "hunters should be hunters"; its like Destiny was out of your comfort zone, so it was bad in those ways. I heard a lot of whining on the Destiny forums and it really sounded like you guys were whining a lot, but you guys did nail a lot of things.
BTW, BL2 had shit scaling and difficulty. It was just poorly balanced and not much fun having your party fighting over rare decent drops(all 4 of us even had the increased rare loot relic on). As simple as Destiny seems to be from Beta play, saying that BL2 is better is insulting to Destiny. BL2 did have some great characters tho.
Destiny could use a lot to improve itself, a lot of simple things that should have been already in the game without the need of feedback making suggestions for it. Destiny still seems like its worth the money asked, but sadly not much more unless they make big improvements over the one month left. The beta seems more of marketing ploy then doing anything else, so i don't expect much to be done then some bug fixes.
I found the whole damage system to be unbalanced, supers and guns need a overhaul pretty much. Its so bad its got some guns totally useless, if they got fixed would cause other guns to be useless pretty much. I think it all need to get scale down in damage and re-balanced with that room given and that is pretty much needed. It all feels like Super Smash Bros + CoD mixed up, thats how i would describe PvP.
@smackdowner360 Right, cause Bungie couldn't take the games they made themselves and make them as rich if not better. Halo 4 wouldn't have been shit if under Bungies wings.
It looks like more then just some graphical improvement, it scares me to think if everything was thrown on some new engine. If it was on some new engine then it wouldn't be the Halo i knew, more like that shit called Halo 4.
Vexov's comments