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Vexx88 Blog

Guess ill never make it to book 6 in my history of GS. A farewell.

Me of all people thought I would never leave this site but its just not the same anymore. Most of my friends are either on some other network or in something gaming related I can contact them in. It has been a fun almost 5 and half years here but I think I am done. Ill check on this blog a few times and maybe and probably respond but this is the last hurrah for me at Gamespot. Ill mss you guys.

If you actually are concerned the top 3 ways to contact me would be:


Other than that though I dont check the others that much.

Its been fun guys.

I guess ill leave you with a live performance of one of my favorite songs in all of Final Fantasy.

RIP Blue Bomber

This blog needs no intro, you guys saw my blog about it getting removed from the Capcom of Japan site and the word spread like wild fire when it happened.

Capcom still says its important to them but, I think that's a lie. Capcom is quickly becoming "Yeah that one company that makes Street Fighter right?"

Rumor: Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3

Told ya so's inst enough for me.

Its bad enough I don't like MvC3 that much but now I feel sorry for the people who do like it. Not to say I don't think MvC3 is not awesome, I think its a good game just not my cup of tea. Still though if this turns out to be true all I can say is that I seen it coming.

Its only a rumor but its also a Capcom game. A company that can't keep leaks from happening.

Leafhopper's E3 preditions in a nutshell.

Sony: "Yeah Sorry about that here is a bunch actually."

Microsoft Xbox Division: " LOLZ TEH KINECT"

Microsoft PC Division: (not shown at E3): "We are busy doing important Windows 8"

Valve: "We are awesome, we dont have to show **** at E3."

Capcom: "Everything but Megaman remember that."

Namco: "We heard you guys liek a the localizations"

Atlus: "Maybe we should show a new SMT game?

Sega : "Dreamcast 2? Naa too soon. Our awesome reboots and new enhancements to our games are enough."

From Software: "AWWE YEAH ARMORED COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORE"(Oh yeah thanks Namco for publishing V...)



In all seriousness though. The PS Vita until I see the price I am kinda being reluctant. Wondering what this Cafe thing is about for Nintendo. MS also said PC games will make it back to E3...eventually.

To be honest I am hype for E3 as usual this year but I been pretty content with my PC stuff lately.

Azure Judgement: Finally, My review of Valkyria Chronicles 2.

I finished it earlier today. Kinda slacked off telling you guys about that. I am typing this review up in Microsoft word first. Yes, I am typing it up in a word processing program. You know what that means. You got another long review on your hands. Ok looks like this review is a little over 3 pages long so bear with me. [Edit] I worked on this till 4 am. I needed to sleep didn't feel like uploading until I got up so now I am posting this.

[Waking up Edit] Oh yeah GS's HTML is crap I had to post it on another site.

[An hour later edit.] Like a pheniox I brought by Scribd account back from the dead.

Valkyria Chronicles 2 Review.

I finished it earlier today. Kinda slacked off telling you guys about that. I am typing this review up in Microsoft word first. Yes, I am typing it up in a word processing program. You know what that means. You got another long review on your hands. Ok looks like this review is a little over 3 pages long so bear with me. [Edit] I worked on this till 4 am. I needed to sleep didn't feel like uploading until I got up so now I am posting this.

Disclaimer: Luis and I, were talking one night and we were talking about the way reviews should be done and how it should be based on fun. So, yet again, I am changing my review system around. So instead of me just looking at the core, graphics sound etc. I will be looking at it as if it was fun for me or not more than anything else. There are no .5 increments and its only 1,2,3,4, or 5.

Trust me other games wont be this long. I just kinda hyped this one so I kinda wrote to much :/.

Also images in word lol. These are what they are supposed to look like.

Sonic Colors (Sonic Colours) Review

Oh yeah I forgot to mention I got Sonic Colors 2 days ago for the Wii lol.

Sonic is back again and way better than Sonic Unleashed for a deddicated Wii/DS version. I got the Wii version since the DS version litterally Sonic Rush 3. I may get it later who knows.

Sonic is the only playable character in this game JUST Sonic. Tails is in the game but just for story he isnt playable. This time around Robotnik has build a flying Amusement park in space. Too bad he is using the power of some aliens and kidnapped THIER ENTIRE HOME PLANETS from them to do it. So its Sonic's responsibility to stop it.

I must say this is one of the better Sonic games in recent years. Up there with Adventure 2 battle for me.

-Great sense of speed. Much like the rush games that felt fast.
-The different aliens change up the gameplay so its not the same.
-One hell of a soundtrack and goes down for me as one of, if not the best, Sonic soundtrack of all time.
-The stages are called Acts again like the old days.
-Since Unleashed (the wii version at least) the camera no longer fights you as it did in previous 3D sonic games.
-The new voice for Sonic is pretty good. Who would think Chris Redfield's voice actor of Resident Evil 5 would do a great Job as sonic
-You have to WORK to get Super Sonic again like the old days. You have to get 180 Red Medalions and you can use Super Sonic in the normal stages since there is no super sonic deddicated level.

- I took my time on it even getting stuck at some parts and the game is 5 hours. Its a Sonic game so the length doesnt even affect its score, I just thought I would let you guys know. And thats not going for the extras so dont let that 5 hours fool you. I am just saying the actual game is short.
-Aliens change the gameplay like I said but also slow it down sometimes and Sonic ain't about being slow son.
-Some stages reach the realm of Sonic 3 and Sonic and Knuckles terms of bull****.

This is one of the best 3D console sonic games in years and was a load of fun. Even more than Sonic Unleashed or Sonic and the secret rings. Speaking of which Sonic and the secret rings should't be that high. Its more like an 8. This game on the other hand:
