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Just Cause 2 Review.

The name Leafhopper is really coming along nicely, anyway..

Just Cause 2 review.

Story: You play as Rico an Agent to track down a Ameri-

Who gives a f***. The point of the game is to cause as much chaos as possible to advance the overly bland story line that no one remembers except the ending.


+ One of the best uses of free roam I have seen in years.
+ The amount of land you can cover is a ridiculous amount.
+ How you get around with the use of your grappling hook is amazing and is always fun.
+ Never out of reach of a weapon or vehicle with the black market.
+ Almost as many missions as GTA 4.
+ Weapons that can be bought with the black market can be upgraded 5 times, to level 6.
+ Loads of cameos from real life stuff and other games. Including that island from LOST.


- You won't remember the story except for the hilarious climax.
- If you try to 100% the game it will be VERY repetitive.
- Not only is 100% Very repetitive it will take a long time as well.
- Glitches sometimes tend to piss you off.
- The AI is too easy and only threatening in large numbers.
- Pedestrians are not lively.

Overall, the game is very fun and just a blast to play around in this huge sandbox.


Going away for Thanksgiving as usual

Yet again I am going to Detroit for Thanksgiving. I am not bringing any game consoles this time. Probably just my PSP. So yeah.

Next review Just Cause 2 or Counter Strike Source.

Battlefield Bad Company 2 Review [Small and to the point review]

Battlefield Bad Company 2

Platform: PC

First Person Shooter

Players: 1-32 players.

It isn't a true Battlefield game. Like 64 players and planes etc.


- Mechanics are tight and fluid.

- Funny and entertaining campaign.

- Real fun online with tanks and a vast assortment of weapons.

- Ranking up is manageable and a loads of challenges.

- Constant updates and free maps on the PC.


- Not a true battlefield game.

- Some of the online maps are horrible for the game modes.

- Needs more game modes online other than the 4 that are available.


February Cluster****.

Seriously the amount of games coming out in February who is going to care about umm...uhh...

Its starts with a V.

Any way no one will care about that day.

>>Next review Bad Company 2 - This weekend hopefully.

[Update] Well Portal 2 got delayed to April 20th for America and the 22 for Europe.


Yes, I like my new aliasmore. See I even changed the Steam url. Why? I always liked the names of insects and this one is so funny I like it. I wanted something goofy. Something actually original on Steam >_>.

But by all means still call me Cam, Vexx, Vexxy or hell even Leafhopper :lol:

Or maybe Leafy.



>>Next review coming is either Battlefield Bad Company 2 or Counter Strike Source.

Vexx reviews - Super Street Fighter 4

SSF4 review

and if N4G is being a dick.

A great expansion on SF4.

SF4 was one of my favorite games of 2009. Bringing back many old faces and a few new ones. This year they added 2 more new faces and a lot more older faces including ones from 3rd strike!

The gameplay is just like last time 3d models on a 2-d plain fighting. They tweaked some of the characters attributes (Some character's moves are weaker some a stronger, faster etc, etc)and every character has 2 Ultras now. Some characters feel the same but every character is unique in their own way with a vast assortment of moves at their disposal. Survival mode may be gone from the last game but a more doable trial mode and Barrel buster and destroy the car modes have returned from the older games. The typical modes are still around as well like Arcade and Versus modes. What people may not like about SSF4 (As well as the old games but not as bad) is how precise you have to be to do some of the combos in the game. Literally learning frame by frame timing. It can be daunting to new comers. Where the game really shines now though is online. A much more improved netcode and lag only happens if you purposely pick someone with a red connection. There is also a an improved tournament mode compared to the last game.

The Soundtrack is awesome remixing all of the old songs themes. The stage songs are also very good. Each hit is also registered great.

The graphics are watercoler like the last game and are still sty|ed the same way. The only problem with the graphics are some of the faces are off.

The game is pure fun with friends online or offline. The Trial mode is great for honing skills and other techniques.


Excellent fighting system

Great Soundtrack

Fun online


System maybe to technical for some

Graphics can be annoying to some.

Overall Super Street Fighter 4 is fun for the fighting game vet or new comer to the genre.


[Edited slightly from the N4G version.]

So I am level 60...and...

Why the hell is it named after one of the most bland FPS characters in history?

[This is a troll blog go home]

Ill review SSF4 first. Maybe this weekend.

A list of upcoming events....kinda


-Valkyira Chronicles 2 (Whenever the hell I finish it. To be honest I am bored of it.)

-Super Street Fighter 4 (I almost put 100 hours on it. Why not?)

-Just Cause 2 (After I beat it.)

-Battlefield Bad Company 2 (Maybe)

-(CSS) Counter Strike Source (Maybe)

Another profile update but this one will actually be green all around.

Happy Halloween! -Various other things-

Well today is national candy day! Have a good one btw.

Any who, if you havent noticed I recently got Just Cause 2 and Resonance of Fate in the last few days enjoying them both despite RoF having a battle system with a learning curve steep as the Himalayas.

The new Mortal Kombat is looking better and better.

Gundam Unicorn Episode 2 is out but Ill just wait for better direct downloads and besides its only the PSN version. Ill wait for the Blu-Ray where more groups will sub it and official 720p version since Media Player C|assic likes to choke when 1080p comes into play.


First Sonic now Megaman

Well Inafune leaves Capcom, aka Megaman's dad...well ok Dr Lights Dad, who is Megaman's dad.

Its still strange that he leaves during Megaman Legends 3, considering this is his favorite series.

This just cant get any worst really.

Oh yes it can.

Guess who won the new female lead in Megaman Legends 3? Just guess.



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