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Vexx88 Blog


Just meh.

Finishing Final Fantasy 9, going for the extras.

Getting the last trophy in BF1943.

Not gonna get MvC3 until after Mortal Kombat comes out. For the mean time ill keep playing Blazblue.

Its finally warming up.


Anyway back to this essay that is due in 2 hours.

Ecole/French Bread's new fighter. And in other news..

NOTE: This has nothing. I repeat nothing to do with Type Moon or the Melty Blood franchise. Yes these are the people who developed it but this is a new IP.

Anyway the game is called "Under Night in Birth" we don't know if this is just a bad case of Engrish or just a silly title but there are only 4 confirmed characters so far but we (Shoryuken community) saw that there will be at least 12 characters or so.

It looks fast and the same, well at least similar UI as Melty Blood. It will also run in 720p thus making us think it will be for the 360 and PS3. Now if it does come out for those 2 and gets a proper localization I will lose my mind because Ecole only really localized Arcana Heart 1 over here. I think to as well and maybe 3 will come out soon in the states but we dont know yet.

Anywho here is the other links.

Official website.

SRK post.


In other news Namco announced a crap ton of stuff lately but all I want is my Armored Core 5 :P.

Almost done with Final Fantasy 9. To avoid spoilers ill just say im in the Desert Palace. ****ing Candels man. I also got Minecraft recently its like a lego building simulator and really addictive. In all honesty if you have OCD (I do a little bit but not that bad.) this is your kinda game lol. I havent played as much Monday Night Combat as I want. Infact I havent played much of anything on Steam lately. I decided not to get Marvel v.s Capcom Day 1 anymore simply because I kinda want to wait it out just a bit. I will be most likely get Mortal Kombat on day one though.

My Playstation trophy collection is going nicely. Next on my agenda is getting all the trophies in BF1943 (I only have 2 more to get anyway.) and All of them in Fat Princess (I got the Fat Roles DLC anyway.)

And my life? Its life nothing really special has happened recently... Maybe soon though. :wink:

How are you guys doing?



(Yes Pokemon Red and Blue came out in '98 in the states.)

Hung up the jacket, put the badges in a glass case, and released all the Pokemon I had except my Jolteon, Sandslash, Absol, Gardevior, Ninetails, Sceptile, Flygon, Walrien, Hitmonlee, Nidoking, and Masquriean.

Blazblue Calamity Shift review (No that isnt a typo.)

This is a speedy review of 2 games.

Blazblue Calamity Trigger and its sequel Blazblue Continuum Shift.

Both of which are great.

Ill review them both at once because I can.

Story: Deep, confusing at first. Hell the opening to the story mode in CS is a great how they sum up what happened in CT.

Soundtrack: Awesome, although Continuum Shift is just CT's with more songs. The songs are all memorable with nothing really sounding rehashed. Daisuke's music mixing c|assic, pop, funk, metal and rock is still evident.

Voice work: The English Dub is great for both games. Not one person sounding the same. You can tell the voice actors had fun voicing some of these characters during some of the funnier and more serious scenes. Especially Hazama's voice actor in Continuum Shift.

Gameplay: CS has more game modes. The fighting system for both of these games are combo heavy and a 4 button fighter. Calamity Trigger has a total of 12 characters that for the most part are balanced. CS has a total of the 12 from before and 3 new ones. Plus 3 more with DLC one of which that hasnt been released yet. Bumping the cast to 18. The fighting is fast and down right mean sometimes with almost every character able to string together their moves. Are the DLC characters worth it? Yes. Especially now since the characters are now $4.50 instead of the $7 it started out as. I only downloaded Makoto myself but I may get that Werewolf Valk eventually. If you are a fan of Guilty Gear you will like Blazblue albiet BB is a tad simpler than GG.

Graphics: Beautiful backgrounds and simple but detailed HD sprites that look clean and polished. The moves look 3D and 2D at the same time giving them a unique depth.

Downsides? Well it is easy to start but later it maybe a tad to difficult for people new to fighters. If you don't like anime or the artsty|e, I doubt you can enjoy this. I personally loved them both.


Calamity Trigger: A+, a great example of a 2D fighter that just blew me away

Continuum Shift: A, not a lesser game by any means but feels more like a really big expansion pack rather than a sequel (much like SSF4 was the SF4) but still highly worth it and worth a buy

Franchise as it stands now: Can't wait for the other games and how this crazy story plays out. After the ending to Continuum Shift I dont know what is coming next. Except a really big fight.

Ok now I just think Nintendo is crazy. And other news.

Earlier this week they said the 3DS will be region locked.

Now you find out that the price for it in the UK is 249 Pounds.

Thats $388 US dollars with current exchange rates. More than a PS3 or a 360. Hell most netbooks are less than than 388 dollars.

In other news I uploaded some gameplay of the Steam beta of Monday Night Combat. You can watch it in 1080p if you would like. Too bad Youtube's 1080p is ass. So next time if I record in fullscreen it wont be 1080. I personally recommend 720p to stop the lag that is in 1080p. Just letting you know.

College starts Tuesday ;_;


The day of rekoning is upon us...

Happy New Year guys :P.

Next year I am going to do more media related things. Uploading way more videos to youtube, maybe MAYBE doing some kind of animation (doubt it but maybe.) and be more "deep" when it comes to my blogs.

I bought Zettai Hero Project the other day. The first NIS game I bought since the original Phantom Brave on the PS2. Seriously I havent played a new NIS game since 2006. I must say I am loving this though its grindfest but a fun grindfest. I actually when it comes to grinding NIS games are the only ones I have fun doing it in.

I played a fair amount of Continuum Shift but I still have to play some "other people" online first before I review it. I will also do my review for Turba as well. A fun rhythm game that you can use any of your music on your computer to play to. Really fun game.

Anyway, its been a fun year. Have a happy New Years everyone and be safe.

With love ♥

~Cameron Simon.