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Vidoegameatic Blog

No job for me

My feonsay wants me to get a job.i told her no way.then her friend from india said " Yo " in symbols.Let me show u,Yo"

im bored

Ever since my brother woke up this morning he has been watching this gay marathon of cartoons on cartoon network.Anyways,well... im... getting married july 23rd and im really happy and well..She's hot,awesome,sk8r.Anyways,i played american idol Encore it sucked hard.Like Simon would say to Sanjaya,"Bloddy**** that was horible."


As you may know by now, PS2 and other game systems are dyeing out due to PS3 and XBOX360.PS2 and other systems are running out of graphics,everyone is counting on us to try to save the consoles ( But not ninttendo DS ).If we save PS2 and more,we could make those consoles withequal graphics with PS3 and EXBOx360. Thank you for your time to read this blog post.

VIDEOGAMES VIDEOGAMES VIDEOGAMES! and old relatives from gamespot

Well one of my cousins wuz bestbikerdude then he got ban,that doofus.Now vidgame talk.rembember in some of my blog posts where i talked bout breaking my dads PS1,well now i'vs gone and done it,broke his XBOX360 he got so mad that he started saying swear words that i never even herd! and i dont wanna repeat those words "**** ** **** ********* ******* * * ***** ******* * * * ***** * ***** *** ***" i censorded them becuz they must of been insults when 62 year old guys with beards as long as their SUV where 18.

MARVEL UNION * Fart,Coff *

sdjgmfdv dfhsgfdgdgdfjgk kldf kgdfjgdfk;gi drjgdmklmkigklerdgmi mk k mk m mk gi mhm ogfhfi hjdot jghiotjio jdto gjtrhjdfkh klgh hjgkl dfk gjf kdf gjdf jgfjklgdfjgkfjkl j df gmj jkf jd kk jfgjt jdkdfgkdfgfkgj gjk fk dfkg jdfg jjd j j j kgklfkl rmgmkld

Another Random blog post

well im kinda running outta ideas but here it is,TO make a long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long story short,THE END

Story of my life..

ok i am now gonna get u the inside scoop of my life the Secrets.Well i was born in a beach house ( my mom iz not good at planning so dont blame me ),when i got my sega genesis my dad said this " Take damn care of this thing it cost me 12 months salary!"Then i kicked him in the nuts,Yeah then he went insane.OH WELL GUYS THIS IS AS MUCH AS I CAN TELL U NOW

Random blog post of picking out the perfect videogame.

Well step 1 is planning,if there is only one copy left you should wait for the new shipment.Step 2,the cost,lets say if the game u wanted was for PS3,it was around 59 bucks,count your cash and get ready for BANKRUPTCY!Step 3,make sure its the game u really want,like if u see it on gamespot for PS3 with the great graphics and u have a gamecube,and the game is out for it and it doesn't have as many graphics,you should go to gamecube section of games look at pics of it and see if it has good enough graphics for your taste.& step 4,Have fun with it,if u bought the game you should be playing it for a long time,but if u just play for like 10 minutes and decide to return it'll be too late.Well thanks for reading.