If you're expecting a huge love blog, you're gonna be dissapointed. I've never really been a huge fan of Valentine's Day, mainly because I'm always alone, but also because I just feel like it's such a sellout (as much as a holiday can be a sellout). So no more love than usual will be found here, except for a clip to one of my favorite love songs ever: All is Full of Love by my biggest Love Björk.
Now that I have gotten used to living alone and stuff I tought I'd continue my character list. I've had so much to do in school and life otherwise that I haven't found the time. My friends are constantly here because they don't want to take the train like icky early in the morning and I've also just joined a gym. Add that to the fact that I have to study, and you don't get a lot of free time. Except for now. Yay!
My Top 50 characters Part 4.
35. Juliet Lost

I loved Juliet from the very first episode she was in, and as the season got on, the more I liked her. She's a very kindhearted person, but she's also really desperate and can be capable of pretty horrible things, which I love. I also loved her chemistry with all the other characters and the fact that we never really knew which side she was on. Plus, her flashbacks were some of the best ever. Hope there'll be more of them in season 4.
I Hate You
34. Saffron Firefly

Even though she only was in two episodes, Yo/Saff/Bridge made a huge impression on me. She's just so evil. Everything she did was just awesome, and I would have loved to see more of her. Here's hoping there'll be another movie and that she'll be in it.
Saffron vs. Inara
33. Bree Van De Kamp Desperate Housewives

I guess I have a thing for redheads. I didn't love Bree imideately, but she grew on me as I watched the show, and her pleasantness is just so much fun. Otherwise she's so the opposite of the people I'd normally like: she's crazy religious, a crazy republican, gun enthusiast and just overall a pretty horrible person. But I love her! :)
Death By Onions
32. Andrew Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Andrew, the first of MANY Buffy characters on my list, and one of the only male ones. I didn't notice him that much when I first watched season six, but then in season seven I just fell in love with him, and he made season seven. He is one of the cutest things ever, and I totally see myself in him. Storyteller is just heaven!
Funniest moments
31. David Fisher Six Feet Under

David is the reason I started watching Six Feet Under. Michael C. Hall is quite the hottie and a wonderful actor. David is just so sweet and I love his realtionship with Keith. He's the only reason why the Fisher family is still talking to each other.
PS: The Strike is over, and I'm officially HAPPY. :D Rejoice.
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