@GhostOfSparta4 That would have been TOO fun. They would have had to fix the really tedious crafting and inventory system so that the co-op could be more streamlined. I would like them to do that just for the single player!
@rukshan47 You know, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shinji_Mikami Shinji Mikami made the first Resident Evil and is the one who decided it should change in Resident Evil 4, so it's really annoying when people think that going an action route was a bad thing when even the original creator thought it was a good idea.
@philMcCrevis @dsvsdvsv @terraphond RE6 is a linear action game with a terrible plot. That doesn't make it bad. Why should a linear game have "choices"? You mean like avoiding that metal detector? Everyone hates the metal detector, but literally nothing happens when you walk through it. The alarm wakes up two zombies in the room you're in that you would have had to fight anyway.
Well, he probably should have written this article about the 10th annual Call of Duty, which is way more offensive than Medal of Honor, but still, it's true!
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