[QUOTE="portej"]Some of you might already know this, but in Japan (where I am from) Final Fantasy XIII will only be available (as of now) on Playstation 3.
To people who are upset at Final Fantasy XIII (I am presuming you are from North America) going multi-platform, ask yourself if you would be upset if an opposite scenario happened.
Just for the sake of argument, let's say a Playstation 3 exclusive such as Killzone 2 or God of War III went to Xbox 360 BUT only in Japan and not elswhere in the world. Would this upset you? Unlikely, because it does not conern you. With that said, however, I am a firm believer that is a good thing to be able to have a broad perspective. A close-minded/narrow-minded perspective is never a good thing. It is all simply a matter of perspective.
For me, Final Fantasy XIII is pretty much exclusive to the Playstation 3 unless I WAIT until it comes out LATER on Xbox 360 and then go out of my way to IMPORT it from North America. Also, that would mean I would be playing a game that is dubbed/translated into a language that is not my native language.
Square Enix realizes that in order to stay competitive, in needs to look beyond the stagnant domestic market filled with "casual gamers" who only buy a few games a year with the Wii and handhelds such as the DS and look to the active North American market that has the "hardcore gamers" who buy multiple titles in a single month on what is currently the console of choice in North America; the Xbox 360.
It will take more than losing just one "exclusive" for the PS3 to pull out of the console race. Though things might at first glance seem grim for the Playstation 3, you must not forget that there are still millions of gamers out there who have not taken the plunge into next gen and are still enjoying last-gen (the most popular platform being Sony's Playstation 2). It is also important to keep in mind that the majority of people still only own SDTVs. As HDTVs come down in price and become more affordable, however, you will see more people purchasing HDTVs. When they turn next for their gaming needs, will they choose the Hot "New-Kid-on-the-Block" Xbox 360 or the tried-and-true Sony brand that they have been gaming on in all the years past? I personally believe that is what will be the big kicker of next gen console race. The direction that people who have not gone next-gen yet turn to.
Time will only tell. Until that time comes, however, happy gaming :)
If they want the hardcore gamers they need to go to pc. However I do agree with you on this. only the best game devs can make it in the pc game market.However branching off to xbox console will be a good thing too. One can only grow if he or she can have a opened mind and face the storm and fire.By the way sony needs to get their hands in the operating system market because micro soft want their hands on pc Industry. What ever company owns pc Industry will own the game Industry. All the best genres and best games came from pc so are the best game devs.
Hardcore PC gamers are very frugal, they only buy the "best" games and many just download them illegally, because it's absurdly easy for anyone to do so.
X360 gamers, in particular, LOVE to spend money, on games, on XBL content, etc (Map packs, which have always been free on PC are absurdly profitable on XBL) Even mediocre games sell really well on 360.
The 360 is just a money making machine for developers, that's why you see everything going to it.
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