Mine too. I have a picture of my video game hating parents playing punch out at like 3:00 in the mornig. I used to bring it out when they used to give me crap about all night sessions.
L1qu1dSword, you are a fanboy! I JUST saw your posts on the gamespot Resistence 2 preview. You have completely exposed your bias. organic_machine
Unless they change the cartoonish graphics then I think Resistance 2 will be just as bad as the 1st one. 60 players that is way to many players welcome tp lag city.
Is it just me or is MGS4 looking not that impressive graphically. I know the inevitable graphics are not everything response but I just expected more from our friendly neighborhood "super computer" especially when this is the most hyped title from the "year of the PS3." Something tells me GOTY is gonna be GTA4 and MGS4 will be overshadowed by many many better games like Fable2, NG2, Gears 2.....heck even Resistance 2.
Even Kojima, the guy who made the game, says it is a 1/10. I do not agree with that, but I will say the whole Beauty and the Beast thing looks so stupid. Annoying flying things yelling "RAAAAAAAAAGE" HOW ANNOYING. Also why is every color in the game just a different shade of Grey or Brown.
I am not allowed to play M games and well I have a 360. My brother plays M games but i cannot. Are there and good rated T games (E or E10 work too) for the 360 other thanGHIII GRAW Tony Hawk or Eternal Sonata?guyguyguy1234
Sorry man but I would like every game to be M. Well not Viva Pinata or Mario, but any game whre someone gets shot is A OK. How old are you anyways?
Absolutely worth every penny. It's not that short & there's tons of reasons to play through it again & again, (on my 4th runthrough here). There's tons of content to open up on subsequent playthroughs. Don't hesitate to get this gem.ColoradoKindBud
No offense, but what content. I played thru and found all the jewels and what not and it was great, but 4 times.
You want a PS3? I knew you couldn't resist the dark side..........BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
*Ahem* Well, it probably does have BC, it would be silly if it didn't.
Edit: I can't seem to find a definitve answer, but this link suggests it would be the 40GB version:
My PS3 doesn't and it cost the same as the MGS4 edition. Oh yeah I don't think it is that silly. I think it really pisses me off that i bought my PS3 right before they annouced the MGS4 Ps3.
Firstly, the only people who say this game is going to suck are jealouse 360 Fanboys. Secondly, Pictures don't really prove much do they? It's aparently one of those games that look better in motion. Here come the fanboys!!!Mr-nameless
I have not really heard anbody say the game sucks. I have heard people say it does not look that good., and of course looks are subjective. I myself am looking forward to it I have already played Resistance, Uncharted and Ratchet. I need another PS3 game I need to try out my New rumble controller.
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