think how real mario would look . plus you get to use a real controller . not a tv remote with wegle . the hd texttures would look amazing . deadmeat59
Does ratchet and Clank look better than Mario Galaxy? I would say that is a comparison of the same type of game, also with same cartoon graphics. I know you said 360, but for some reason I can not think of a mario type game on 360.
I played UT3 on my mates ps3 a few days ago. I couldn't believe there was no split screen option. I thought this game was made for multiplayer...even gears of war has split screen. I read the gamespot review and I dont think the lack of split screen was even mentioned. Is this not important for poeple anymore? The most fun times ive had playing video games is split screen shooters like goldeneye and halo. I then tried playing online and it was so laggy i just turned it off.
Anyone know if the 360 version will have split screen?
Split Screen sux they expect people to play online.
saw house of the dead running on a wii today. dear god it looks awful, i mean real bad, like top end N64 bottom end ps2. who on earth can defend that kind of tripe
[QUOTE="Truth_Hurts_U"]Here's the thing... I payed $400 for a system... Not a video card... That lasts me 5 years. I rather pay $400 1 time fee, then pay $400+ for one video card upgrade and have all the problems of a PC.Painballz
Having to constantly get it fixed, most people do not know how to work on there own computers. Every couple months my parents have to get their IT guy to clean it up so it will run normal, and that is just from going on the lame sites that they use. Also you have to keep upgrading it to play new games. Or you can turn down everything and make the games look like crap. Those are just a couple I am sure people could add many other problems.
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