Or its gonna be missions they couldnt fit onto the DVD9 that will allready be present on the PS3 version.jigglebilly1983
If this was the case then they would not call it exclusive content. Also the only game that has had stuff taken out becuase of lack of space is Reistance Fall of Man a PS3 game. It is all about compression not space.
[QUOTE="organic_machine"]E3 is on the way and KZ2's secret trailer (or demo) is on it's way. Even if this trailer (or demo) sucks horribly, Cows are going to make hundreds of threads claiming that lemmings are screwed and halo is dead. What is the point of making an entire thread about this? To warn all of you. When this happens, don't respond. With all the fanboyness, it is going to be tempting to want to put them in their place. But don't give in. they won't listen. Even if the trailer was another CGI. So when the flood comes, don't make a big deal. Let them have their sticky hype thread and lets not even deal with them. Stonin
Throw them a bone. I mean what else are they gonna hype? Little Big Planet again? :P
How dare you not metion Afrika. They closed out there Keynote with it.
Its part of Sony's official controller plus microsoft is on bad terms with Immersion.Ps3Solider
That is not even true. Sony has the bad relationship with Immersion that is why PS3 controllers have no rumble. Nintendo and Microsoft settled out of court with Immersion, while Sony took it to court and lost. I do not know where you get your info from
here ill start you off. wii sports , zelda, and an upcomming brawl. thats it. power_rangerer
That is already more than the PS3 since they only Have Resistance. Other games that have been on 360 for a year do not count, becuase they had an extra year to make them better than the 360 versions and they failed so far.
Oh Yeah you can add Trauma Center to your list, this is one game that was designed for the Wiimote vey fun game.
Cause it's only been heard of in the internet gaming world. or people who get the OXM.
you take your average joe gamer, that doesnt read about gaming news. and they have never heard of mass effect.
people have heard of halo or gta. but you mention mass effect and they dont even know what it is.
for example go into a MTV forum and ask who has heard of GTA vs Mass Effect.
Sleeper Hit imo.
How can one of the most highly anticipated games of the year be a Sleeper. It is going to be a hit or a Flop. Sleeper is not an option. You might be right that people on the MTV forums might not know about it. GTAIV might be the only game they have heard about most people have no Idea what games are coming out. You must have some time on your hands if you are spending it in the MTV forms. I bet there are very cerebral conversations going on their. NOT.
I've tried my best to labor my way through this game but it's just not over soon enough for me. After dealing with Yuki's history/hometown area, i'm done, i just can't waste anymore time with this rpg. It's getting traded in today no matter what. Is there anyone else out there who was actually able to stomach the chore of playing through this game and finish it?CC914
Wow I admire you , i said Goodbye to it the day after I rented it from Block Buster. Oh and it was more like "Get the Fuk out of my life" as opposed to Goodbye.
The rumor wheels are turning and sites like gizmodo,Kotaku,and RumorReporter (that site sure sounds credible) are talking about some new psp. the new device that they're dubbing the "psp slim" could have: *4GB-8GB flash drive *LED screen *flip down controls *smaller overall size *better battery life *bluetooth *same old crappy ps2 ports all joking aside, I may actually get one. I'm in the market for a new MP3 player and I could kill 2 birds with one stone via this device. Should come out this fall. jack_russel
I fthey do not add a second analog stick then they are dumber then I thought. Not having the second analog sticks makes almost every shooter less fun than going to the dentist.
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