[QUOTE="Dreams-Visions"] http://www.insidegamer.nl/playstation3/heavenlysword/videos/3964
In this video is Nariko's partner shooting arrows in a standard "cover the caravan" mission.
More to the point:
- Some of the worst death animations I've ever seen in gaming. Seriously.
- User-guided arrow seems very lame after awhile. Where is the skill?
- After about 2 minutes the gameplay gets boring.
- The worst part is that after it gets boring, you realize it has like 6 more minutes of the same redundant crap left.
- Oh god...these death animations. Come the hell on, Ninja Theory! They get hit with arrows and start breakdancing? :|
- Arrow effect is hella cool...but again, after the first 4 or 5 people are picked off, it feels like it's time to move on to someting else.
See...it's this kind of ridiculous crap that drops a game from AAA to AA.
6 minutes of the same boring stuff? I'm cringing already.
in short:
I'm officially concerned.
You are concerened? Why be concerened? Just wait until the final build is done and the game is released,then make an opinion.Or you could just make pointless threads like this instead....
.Man you Ps3 guys are always waiting I do not know how you stand it. Why can't someone base an opinion off a demo, why would they realease it if they did not think it was a good representation of the game. Companies realease demos so people will play them and buy the game.Bioshock demo looks unbelievable and plays great, and we don't even have to wait for it to look good becuase it alreay looks amazing. Heavenly sword has already gone thru an almost complete revamping of the game. Do you really think that much is going to change from a pl;ayable demo? If that is the case get ready to for the cows favorite pastime waiting. While they change her dreadlock s agian to get people to like the game.
Cows hype will kill this game.How can an good to average game be carry
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