Okay, its time to cut you lemmings down a size, your irrational rants are getting old. Why do you compare PS3s library to 360s when PS3 has been out less than 4 months? That sounds like damage control to me. If 360 is so great to you, why not let PS3 get its good games then compare. Anyone who compares now is obviously insecure of their purchase.
Okay so 360 got a exclusive AAA at launch, PDZ, according to gamespot:wink:, then it got a non-exclusive AAA which is Oblivion. Then it got Gears of War, another exclusive AAA title. Okay enough about the exclusive AAAs, what you Lems need to know is that a game doesn't have to be AAA to be enjoyable. PS3 will have more AAAs then 360 in the long run anyway but like I said AAAs isn't everything. But for the record, Resistance didn't make AAA, according to gamespot:wink::wink:, and Motorstorm didn't make AA, once again, according to gamespot:wink::wink:, everywhere else those games reached their hype. But since I know you Lemmings will say "Buh buh buh I only want to use teh gamespot scores :cry:" thats fine and dandy, we'll go by the gamespot scores, just note that gamespot isn't the only media that rates games.
Okay so according to gamespot:wink:, PS3 has no AAA games. Hey thats fine, but like I said, PS3 has been out 4 months, 360 has been out 1 year and 4 months. Dreamcast had plenty of awesome exclusive games at launch, PS2 had one of the crappiest launches in history. But which one came on top of that little battle? Now I'm not ignorant enough to compare 360 to the dreamcast here, so don't assume thats what I'm doing.
Anyway, I'm going to make a complete and honest list of exclusives, PS3s exclusives easily has the most international appeal of the 2, anyone who disagrees is lying to themselves. BTW, I'll let you Lems declare PC/360 games as 360 exclusives as well, just to prove my point PS3 has better games.
360- Halo 3, Lost Oddysey, Oblivion, Graw, Mass Effect, Alan Wake, Blue Dragon, Gears of War, Forza 2, Bioshock, Dead or Alive 4, Dead or Alive 5, Kameo, Project Gotham Racing, Kane and Lynch, Splinter Cell 5, Huxley, Call of Duty 2, The Outfit, Amped 3, and Perfect Dark Zero :wink:
PS3- Resistance, Ratchet and Clank 5, Metal Gear Solid 4, Devil May Cry 4, Final Fantasy 13, Final Fantasy Versus 13, Lair, Heavenly Sword, Motorstorm, Oblivion, Eight Days, Kingdom Hearts 3, Virtua Fighter 5, Tekken 6, Jak and Daxter: Lost Frontier, Uncharted Drakes Fortune, White Knight Story, Zone of the Enders 3, The Getaway 3, Killzone 2, God of War 3, Hot Shots Golf 5, L.A. Noire, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, Ridge Racer 7, Soul Caliber 4(PS3 only, remember Sony formed with Namco), Wardevil, and Sly Cooper.
Keep in mind 360 has been out over a year, PS3 launched less than 4 months ago. Yet PS3 already has the most promising library of games. So anyone saying PS3 has no games is insecure, wait til the games are released before making comparisons. Also a good amount of those titles are coming in '07, BTW, until announced otherwise, MGS4 is being released in '07:wink:
A lot of those PS3 games are not coming out for two years. Also if you listed all of the 360 games coming out in the next two years it would blow away the PS3 list.
Halo 3 is coming out in '07:wink.
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