VladTheImpaler's forum posts
Which review do you most have a problem with? Let me guess is it a ps3 Game?
[QUOTE="GXR"][QUOTE="james9676"]I saw some reviews of battlefeild: Bad Company but i want to know what you think of it now?james9676
where did you see these reviews ?
can you supply a link ?
I'm in the UK and i'm in school at the mo, i was a min ago looking at some but the teacher caught me and i lost the website name before i could save it, s i just want to know what other people think?I don't think he really saw reviews anywhere.
Also, I noticed in the item description for the 360 vga cables, it only lists "Video outputs settings of 480p, 720p, or 1080i". I was just curious because it dosen't say it supports 768p. thanks. pizzavideogames
1366 x 768 is 1080i. When using VGA cable that is how they are displayed.
1920 x 1080 is 1080p
Before you argue do some reseaech because I am right.
Nice story, but I think a lot of it depends on your TV. VGA isn't always above and beyond better than component. VGA might be sharper but also have less vibrant colors on some TVs, etc. I'd love to see what my TV would look like witha VGA cable, but I'm not willing to drop 40 bucks on a cable which may or may not have a major impact. Now, when I go from a 20 inch LCD to a 60 inch DLP I'll almost certainly for for VGA cables.jmartinez1983
Yes VGA is always better then componet no questions asked. So you will spend a ton of cash on a TV, but not even $40 bucks on cables. Yeah that makes a lot of sense. That is like putting regular gas in your porsche. If you are that cheap then you should not be driving the porsche.
[QUOTE="CaseyWegner"]options are bad?IbacaiNo, options are very good. It's just funny how when Sony has a few things like PSN and motion sensing they are obviously copying the competition and that's bad. Sony should burn. A few MS fans jumped all over this and used it as a way to bash Sony as a company. Now MS is coming out with HDMI and motion sensing (Possibly) and how do some of the MS fans react? Oh, that's ok, options are great.
Nobody bashed Sony for Using HDMI where did you even get that from. That does not even make sense, why would people bash HDMI. What people bashed is the fact that they did not provide an HDMI cable or any other HD hook up.
I also do not think they ever bashed Motion Sensing either, they just bashed Sony for Obviously tacking the motion sensing on near the end. I mean even the developers were suprised at E3 when they found out about it. The game WARHAWK that most incorporated the six-axis has been canceled.
First, they decided to support HD-DVD. They were wrong since HD-DVD will be the next betamax (even an MS rep admitted it). Now they're thinking of giving up on HD-DVD by the end of 2007.
Second, they thought that HDMI wasn't necessary. They realized they were wrong again so now they're putting HDMI on the next 360 models.
Third, they released a controller without motion sensors because they thought it wasn't next gen. Now they're changing their minds and planning of releasing motion sensing controllers.
Since they can't make up their minds, MS is really screwing customers with all these "add-ons" that should have been included with the original console. They're making all these changes on the 360 only 15 months after it's launch, why don't they just give up on it and release a new system instead of miking their customers for more and more money?
It is not changing your mind. It is called evovling and expanding to give ther customers what they want.
I love all the Add-ons that are coming out for the 360. This way instead of making people buy all the stuff from the start, they let there customers choose which pieces they want to add to their system.
So far they have not made one add-on that is Mandatory, every single game except Final Fantasy MMORG can be played on a core xbox 360. Please tell me how this is a bad thing. At least they are making changes, Sony is sticking to the fact that they were right and their system is perfect. Yeah Right.
I've heard nothing but great reviews about it. Even the stripped down Japanese version, I've heard people say it's STILL the best off-road racer ever made, and the first one to get it really *right*. The graphics are downright gorgeous (shut up, lemmings; it may not look as good as the original trailer, but it's still damned beautiful), from what I can tell the sound is spot-on, and the gameplay is simple enough yet very polished. I'm betting on high-AAA--9.4 to 9.8--but damn, I think this has a shot at AAAA. If anything will bring it down, probably Tilt or Value will do the job.mjarantilla
All this game looks like to me is a whole bunch of Motion Blur nonsense. I played the demo and basically had to drive 1 mph to even see the scenery. Seriously I think the motion blur kicks in when you hit like 5 to 10 miles per hour.
[QUOTE="Me-Ur-Daddy"][QUOTE="gfdghfhyrtyhtry"]*throws up on keyboard* you made a new account just to spew that out ? the textures arent suppose to look like viva pinata dude these are dragons not rainbow colored paper dolls...The game lacks detail, the textures are low resolution as hell you can see freaking pixels.
the enrivonment anit nothing but water and a rocks, xbox 360 could run this game 1080p x2 AA 60 fps with better textures and more detailed environments.
this guy made a thread to post a flop crap game pictures? And say this trash looks good?
The graphics are FAR from impressive, there's absolutly nothing to the environments..crappy textures overused bloom crappy water looks like plastic boring environments..
xbox 360 launch games look better than this.
That is funny that it is still better than any game on PS3.
[QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"]Uhhh what?
I am hoping for Killzone to be good. But it will never be better then Halo.
yeah Halo is better then killzone, I deffinetly agree but what I'm saying is that the idea of Killzone is more appealling that the idea of Halo, let me show you.
Halo: Sci-fi shooter where you play as a super-soldier and fight colourful aliens
Killzone: WW2-esque FPS where you play as a group of humans defending their world from the invasion of helghast plus the weapons look really heavy and aesome
Not to me. In my opinion it blows away killzone. I played Killzone and I do not rember it being a story driven game. Actually I do not even remember what it is about. After playing Halo I was Blown away because I had never played a game like it. Obviously some other people thought the same thing that is why it is so popular. Also there are tons of games like Killzone no offense.
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