@angrycreep: The price isn't justified when 95% of the games on there are shit. And they didn't raise the price because they're adding more quality, they raised it because they need to show profits after the massive purchase of Acti/Blizz. Not too mention, Xbox gamers no longer buy games, so the subscription is the only income generator.
As for comparing it against PS+'s games... Plus games are much better. There are PlayStation Essential games, Classic PlayStation games, PS4 games, and not over loaded with Indie's.
@Simulator_Shock: I believe one of the other models is supposed to be far superior. Either Asus or Lenovo. I think it's the updated Asus one IIRC. The original Asus is terrible. The Steam Deck is definitely the cheapest, but as far as features, functionality and accessories go... It's lacking. Just giving you a heads up on what I've read. I was researching buying one myself, but decided against it because it would get very little use.
@esqueejy: I don't care if games never had gay people in the past. Two wrongs don't make a right. You don't solve past injustices by creating new ones. Add gay people... fine. But don't omit straight people all together.
You don't seem to understand... When you exclude, or put down, the majority, your shit won't sell. Because that's who's buying it. This is why Ubisoft is going under in the first place. So if you want to advocate for disastrous business practices, be my guest. Just don't try to start a business and think it'll be successful.
@khodjakov: We need to go old school here and say that if you've never played the game, you can't claim that it sucks. Especially being there's no outward gameplay examples that would give the impression of said suck. 😉
@nilsdoen: Remove the lizard thing? He's a great part of it. He grabs stuff for you, attacks and distracts enemies, and he can even pull the pin on grenades on their belt.
@taylorspace: That's the most uninformed response I've heard. So only bigots don't like woke shit? WRONG!!! You obviously have no clue what you're talking about.
@esqueejy: Don't include me in "you guys see it everywhere." I already said the game isn't woke, but there ARE woke things in it. And it absolutely DOES work! People are not buying woke crap and studios are suffering as they implement their ideology.
I got a dev saying so and it's obvious that they didn't use the attractive actress's looks and made a butt ugly character instead. Was that on accident? Of course not. Use some common sense dude.
Like I said... Not much wokeness here and the thing that sticks out is every relationship is a gay relationship. All the NPC's and the 1 woman that hits on your character, but no men hit on her. No straight relationships to be found. But it's few and far between and isn't a primary theme. So not a big deal. But Ubisoft didn't have to only add gay relationships when 90% of the player base is straight. They just couldn't help themselves, but they're Canadians living in Wokeland.
People tried to say that Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden was woke because it had a black female, white male. That doesn't make a game woke and when people claim it does, it hurts the real anti-woke movement with the REAL woke crap in games.
Vodoo's comments