I have all three consoles and I am buying it for the PS3. The reason is that I would not buy the DLC for it if I purchased the 360 version, so that is a moot point, and I like the Playstation controller better for GTA games. For me, it came down to controller preference and online friends - I have more people I know getting it on the PS3 than 360.
I won't say that there isn't a big difference between 720p and 1080p, because there is, but just because it isn't a 1080p native game doesn't make it ugly or inferior. Like Solaris said, most games upscale from lower resolutions to 1080p. This occurs on the 360 with almost every game that touts 1080p resolutions. I would take a 720p native game over a 640p game upscaled to 1080p any day. I think sometimes the whole 1080p fixation with some people (probably not you) is that they get it set in their head that if it is not 1080p, it's crap, which is wholly untrue; 720p can be visually pleasing too.
No one can answer your question very well because I don't believe Sony or anyone else has released the final word on what it is actually for. My guess is for BD 2.0 Profile movies.
People are quick to forget that they don't include stores like Wal-Mart in their numbers. While it won't make too large of an impact, they are not a 100% accurate number of how many consoles were sold during a certain time period simply because they do not include every store possible. Again, it's nothing huge, but it would be interesting to see the numbers for each console/game with all stores included.
I noticed that the sound on the PS3 demo sounded like it was coming through a can into my receiver. I also experienced the audio cutting out during action. I'm no fanboy, and I have this preordered for the PS3, but the 360 demo runs/sounds so much better, I can only hope that this demo is to blame and is not very representative of the final game.
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