I prefer Halo as well, biased? Probably. Though Killzone looks good it seems like every game is going for that dusty, depressed look. I could be mean and call it "Emo" like some would call Halo cartoony. Like you really know what Aliens look like?
Vylence's forum posts
Something is wrong here...Capt_Tenneal
I concur.
It looked good, though once the screen changed from the opening to where they were fighting that big guy it didn't look quite as good. Can't tell if it was the smoke or what. The graphics reminded me of Fear, especially all the dark and shadows.
And it always seems they have God mode on in these videos, you just can not tell anything like that. I like to see the death of the main character at least once. Makes it more believable that its actual gameplay not just a script with only half the game there.
I will get myslef one for Christmas. Just to think that Christmas morning i can be playing Assassins Creed, Haze, Heavenly Sword, Lair, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, and Unreal Tournament 3 is giving me the shivers. :DCarmilla31
Thats a huge amount of money to spend right before Christmas. Especially if you are buying gifts for everyone else.
Its going to take more to convince me, I think Little Big Planet is the most exciting thing going for the Ps3 at the moment. And I'm not sure I could get my friends to play it with me if I did get it. Which would be the only reason I would want the game.
Killzone did look nice, but the only reason I really like Halo is because my friends die over the coop and split screen multiplayer. If Killzone delivers in that respect I might switch. And no Resistance in no way lives up to either the coop or multiplayer that is Halo.
Well that video was half video, and a few shots of what could have been a video of gameplay. The video really didn't look any better than GT:HD. I will admit if they can keep that they beat forza 2 though, maybe not PGR4.
Personally I want to see what the demo looks like when they add the other cars and AI, physics, and weather. If they are going to.
That look is deffinatly in vogue at the moment, lots of movies mess with the colors as well. Really I think they just do it to set mood.
Even though its really easy to get used to while playing or watching a movie, I also am getting a bit tired of seeing it.
"The game doesn't look as good as the 2005 trailer, naturally, but it looks close to as good as any other console shooter. We'd say that currently Gears of War tops it"
Gears > 200 devs 50 mil budget
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