Quick noob question about PSN's Downloadable Games. Are they free, or do you have to pay. Like Flow. Can you just download it or does it cost? And if it does, how do you pay? do you need a credit card, or de they have point cards like 360?
I think you asking in the wrong forums. Try asking in the PSP forums. :)MaximumD
No hes, asking aif its worth having a PSP with a PS3, for conecting. He wants to know if they do anything special that he should get one. dont try and MOD. To be honest the PSP is just en axension. You can use it like a remote for your PS3. Share music images, and some gaems have special little things. Liek a rear-vieew mirror maps things liek that. Is it esential, not by any means. Is it worth getting. Well, I think you have to ask yourself would you be happy with a PSP on its own, becaus of you wouldn't then there is not point in getting one. The connectivity between PSP and PS3 is more of a bonusif you already have one.
The only problem with DMC is that its gets SO repetitive so quickly. They haven't done anything new with it. Its just liek that video. Slash slach shoot kill slassh slash slach kick shoot. Then collect orbs move 5 feet and do it all again.
Oblivion is a good game, but I have to say, the more I play it, the more I find wrong with it. However, I do not take all the developers hard work and effort for granted. The only thing Im waiting for is MGS.
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