Yes of Course. And graphically things will keep getting better untill everything looks like FMV movies.
The developers for Res said that they only had access to about 30% of the PS3s power. THink about the next few cycles of games and how ammaizinv they will be with tool like Edge. Killzone will be amaizing.
let seeMGS4Formula1WarhawkLittleBigPlanetLairGTA4Heavenly SwordHomeSingStarKillzoneMotorstomeTekken 6MLB 07 the showOlbivionSpider Man 3: Collector's EditionNinja Gaiden SigmaAssassin's CreedBorthers in Arms: Hell HighwayMetal of Honor: AirbordDevil May Cry 4Mercenaries 2: World in FlamesGT5if you want to see others here the web site Only a few of thos actualy come out this year.
I'd be up for it. But I just don't think they would. But I hope you can get FF furniture and stuff for our apartments.
How many people think the PS3 is expensive i personally think its not bad what you guys saya13chaffin I will admit its not cheap, in fact it IS reasonable. However, its not worth it without games. There just aren't any.
October? where did you get that piece of information from? Thomas-Crown I've seen it on retail sites like Futureshop.
dude the people at G4 are just micro$oft fanboys and they hate PS3i dont pay attention to what they sayxboxshenron Yeah its true, all they want are FPSs. And "F@+ 700+"
Ha, its like I've been saying since day one. I bet they only come out in Japan. If its colours your looking for I'd setting in for a LONG wait.
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