RDR's ridiculous amount of advertising, along with its popularity among my peers, made me convinced it'd sell a lot more. But I guess it still did well. Rockstar lifted its forecast for the year because of it.
The problem is that, for some strange reason, video game "journalists" are feeding forum dwellers a very strange interpretation of things: If Sony LOSES less money, suddenly IT'S SONY'S YEAR! LET'S PARTAAAY! If Nintendo's PROFIT drop from a gazillion to a gazillion - 3, then NINTENDO IS DOOMED! THEY'LL BE GOING THIRD PARTY BY NEXT GEN!!!!11111 And I can't help but wonder if they just hate Nintendo (which is fine, I guess) or they are getting paid to say those things (soooo not cool).LordQuorthon
Victimize Nintendo if you want, but I'd like to know where you're getting this from.
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