OCZ,Digital storm online, Alienware, Dell, the list goes on and on
WKS92's forum posts
well i hope your rig is more powerfull (even the top proforming laptop is still just a laptop not god for christ sake), and second why do you have to care about how much we paid? we wanted alienware so thats what we bought (buying something you dont want is just plain stupid) so dont be like every other hooting dickhole on the internet and just tell him what games are cool.
hey i just recently got the m15x too! and dont listen to these haters (they're just jealous).
buti really like world in conflict it has really nice graphics and depending on your specs you can max it out. and as for Crysis everyone raves about it but it bored me to tears, even with its awesome graphics
here is a cheap gaming mouse from Razer, they make great products, as for the key board anything with W,A,S, and D will work
try this, its a barebones laptop kit from OCZ it already has an 8700 built in and you can choose the rest!
it could also be a virus......
try a BFG tech 6200 overclocked edition, i used to use one (but in an AGP system) and it play World in conflict on low settings, and few other games. plus with riva tuner you can overclock ita bit more just to squeeze a little more proformance out of it. and it will only run you like 40 bucks maybe less.
here i found a couple for you, these look to be the best for your money... im unsure of sparkle but EVGA has some of the best customer support ever.
EVGA 6200
Sparkle 9400GT
i know i could have gotten a much faster desktop, but i am always going places (my friends houses, lan partys, car rides, etc) and i can't take a huge desktop and monitor with me. so i got a lappy plus i need it when i go off to college next year.
ok thanks, maybe my fears were just inflated because all the heat is less than a few centimeters from my hands.
ok i am running an Alienware M15x (laptop). and it gets really hot when gaming i am using Thermofan to find temps and its saying my cpu is about 45c and my Graphics card is abour 71c. is that too hot?and if so(other than laptop coolers) are there other ways to cool it down???
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