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WONDERwand Blog

level 17

weird.... i don't remember being level 16......

now i caught up with untz :P we decided to challenge

in school we have that short teacher that even 7th graders are longer than him, he has a very skinny legs. thanks goodness je doesn't teach my  class cuz my classmates will make him retire so soon

 and now i have a windows live space if anybody wants to stop by my space is named nash's place( or nash's space can't remember)

blog 31#

when did i start counting my blog posts?!

oh well check out the new banner!!!! cool ain't it?bet it's better than any other banner i created(yup i create some banners! check out hungree's profile and look closely above the black line there's a small blue writting says by ww. that's my trademark!)

the banner says NAASH'S PLACE right? naash is my new nickname which is an anagram for hasan smart ain't it?

and for real life ooh school began 3 weeks ago and i had a big show 4 weeks ago and we kept showing three weeks twice means a total of 6 shows! i am talking about stage and a play u know like my acting band that i joined we had a great show with good audince and photos wish anybody was there!(hungree was there and so did 110221411 guy he's on my friend's list)

and what's else i am on travian and i became the leader of my alliance for a while but ia m now vice-leader for reasons i had no good alliance building-thingy place that needed alot of level ups

miss everybody

i am trying to upload a video about healing traps but there are some diffculties(boring ones) and for my video WALKING ON FALZ'S MONUMENT i finnaly had a reply and he was surprised!!!

take a good look on the banner

blog # 30

it's only to become level 15 nothing special ok i lied it's my 30'th blog post!

one year since i've joined and more than 300 posts and 14 levels and 8 games in collection gonna make em 9 or ten,

and i was thinking..... won't it be sad to die all of sudden??? to die without haviing a chance to scream

'AAH!!" it's sad that people just die every single day, ships went sailing never returned to bay, our life will simply ends with a place where we stay. sad isn't it???

i've written a poem about the death those were a few parts of it,

. the full is:

people just DIE *** every single day

ships went sailig *** never returned to bay

the saun sends light *** anyone might call it ray

underneath started a life play

that will simply ends *** with a place where we stay

to hell or heaven *** we will all go to may...

so remember human *** who's god created from clay

you might simply just die *** before even "AAH" you can say


gothic isn'tn it?

questions on the poem please comment i haven't seen a comment days ago

if i don't reach level 15 i am gonna go nuts!!!


lol i just posted a video!!!! it's at the end of the page.

any questions please comment at both this blog post and the video

4x post!


u might not believe it but my uncle asked me: wanna ride the car? that was the dream of my life so i said yes! it was all getting well till i reached home, he asked if i want another ride..... i said in the begining no but then i said yes, then after two turns i reached to one and i've got nervous all of a sudden and i couldn't turn and i stopped and thought that it's gonna stop but it didn't and CRASH! the car had stoppede and wouldn't run. he asked: should i tell them it was you or me? i was going to say: hell you! you are the one who let a 14 years old teen ride a car! i said tell them it was me.... of course do bad get bad when i returned home i saw my sun glassess i just wore them for noreason and got them off, before i know the thing that links it to my right ear was brocken! the humor is that both my uncle and i have no lice! never tell the ksa goverment!


well that happened long time ago but i didn't post i was lazy:p it's phantsy star online episode I and II, hell i played it before with hungree and we are nearly both level and we both have rare weapons i have nearly 6 rares but i didn't find them alll actually i found onlt two rares i gave one to someone, i don't think that there is still servers around.


i decided to start video blogging like tollzz360 but mine will be fewer.


every buddy remembers that i said i am gonna have a w910i a celllphone? well i have it and with it's camera i am gonna video blog! ****

so what did i miss?!

sorry i wasn't around, my computer crashed!

so how is every one doing? i missed u all! so what did i miss? i don't really c anything new execpt 4 toolzz blog and ain't bad stuff at the khii union

i returned watching my favourite anime D.grayman and reached so far, this anime is getting better, the adventure jumped from europe 2 japan!

of course poor old computer had been formatted but i began redownloading everything.

b4 the crash i had all my favourite animes theme songs and charecters themes, i had L's and near's, i didn't like milo's

and 4 my wall papers i remmember the site and i restored them, the only thing z missing z my messanger smiles, i won't worry about all the backgrounds cuz i have my original pictures file at my mom's computer and everything z fine!

still i don't have my movies yet and some songs that i had from hungree my pal, he gave it 2 me by a game named "osu" (that's what we call it 4 short) 4 pc and u can download the songs and play them

still sorry i won't b around that much sorry!!!!

not fallcnot!!!


fallcnot, 1 of my best friends from iran was banned from gamespot! i dunno why but i just found out 1 minute ago!

goodbye pouya.

another triple post

told u gonna do it again.......


nstead of that old hag i'v got this baby! got some movies mand games


2day i cooked spaghitti 4 dinner with a little help from my older sis and everybody liked it!


it's summmeeeeeeeeeeeeer!!! i am gonna play travian, watch movies, stay onine as i can, and game! and i might cook as well....

exams strikes again!

lol it's exams again! this time my victim z my own computer nstead of that old hag, that means no more me around 4 2weeks ncluding this 1, it's not gonna b easy not 4 the test it's that i wake up 5 am every day! eternal suffer

ooh i almost forget there's no way i enter somebody's blog right now or a union or a forum this z so late hour and i must get some coze 4 a while