This z the basic intro 4 99%of my stories , I made 99%of my stories linked 2 each other and f it was a manga u'll see them n the backgrounds
first of all i'll write a comment under every story it's about why did i created it , the way of playing , talking about the charecters
my stories starts n a solar system called "flamindhart" it haves 10(actully they r 9 the last z nside 2 solar systems )planets and they r :planet sky, planet earth , planet water , planet lava , planet ice , planet arakis , planet caldan , planet giede prime , planet draconis sigma, and planet holako.
Explanations :
Native people: skagons some kinds of postradas
Power system(s): seals
Description: planet with large sphere and floating islands and there's one big ocean on the ground
#of moons: 2
Earth :
Native people: elves, dwarfs , falcons, other legendary monsters, some kinds of postradas
Power system(s): mana, magic
Description: a planet with a one, large continent with some large lakes and rivers note:there's no seas
#of moons: 4
Water :
Native people: humans, fishers
Power system(s):super powers, seals.
Description: a planet covered n water by 100 meters and there's a big glass dome and inside it a big, advanced city called "MAGNAPOLIS" a city with a lot of super heroes and evil powers.
#of moons: 1(only magnapolis can see it)
Native people: postrada, monsters
Power system(s):magic
Description: a hell, volcanos every way and where, only monsters r there
#of moons :N/A
Native people: fishers of ice
Power system(s): weak magic
Description: a big sphere, Ice Mountains everywhere, relly cold weather, snowing daily and none stopping ice showers, life z nearly doomed
#of moons :6
Arakis, caldan, giedie prime, draconis sigma:
These planets r on war on planet arakis(the dune) and they r from a game series called "DUNE" so no info I can get*__*
Native people: sun people
Power system(s): solar
Description: a stopped planet, it's inside 2 solar systems : flaminhart and mola it never becomes night because it's stopped and there z 2 suns
#of moons :1 (anyway there's no night)
Power systems:
Seals: stones holds an element or an attack or an evil seal
Mana: a spirit like thing, it becomes a line on the hand and comes n 4:mana shield, mana blade, mana cross, a mana
Mana shield: a one powered mana it's elemental only and levels up 2 become a blade
Mana blade: the most common, it contains 5 powers and attacks it comes n 3 levels .
Mana cross: this comes only with one type of creutears and it's like the blade but it doesn't level up.
Mana: a great power that only 1 person can have and it doesn't become a line but another things when activating like a big smoky fire(burning mana)or a lotus n the hand(all lotus manas) .
Magic: magic Power
Super power: like super strength or turn n2 liquid etc......
Solar: this power z like mana and magic but it only have the light and the fire and the wind elements.
Weak magic: weak magic power due 2 it's owner.
New creauters :
Falcons: they r a man and an eagle the man called hawk and the eagle z an eagle, these two r bonded by each other:when the hawk z born the eagle hatches, when one gets sick the other gets sick, when one dies the other dies too, those two can combine note: the hawk's hair z feathers
Skagon: my special masterpiece these r the native people of planet sky, the name means(sky dragons) but they r like the humans but they have wings, harder skin with no hair on the skin, and very thick, long, straight hair on their heads, females got tails, thy r smart like humans and smarter.oh yeah and they got three eyes.
Fishers, ice fishers: these things that walk on two legs and looks like fish with frogy legs and hands and they r hunchbacks and got fins, 4 the ice fishers they've got a white fur on them which makes them uglier .
Sun people: they r bald , big, strong people that can only breath the sun wind and it's the oxygen 4 them and holako means: ever morning n their language
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