My 5th anniversary being here.:( Yup March 23rd this year was the mark of being here for 5 years. Yeah I know I am like a month late now but man how could I forgot a milestone being here? So yeah... uhwoot been here for 5 years.:P That a pretty long time. Seen so many changes I seen and been through and met many good people here.:) I very glad I came to this site.
Wanderer5 Blog
Anyone else having this problem?
by Wanderer5 on Comments
So I am posting this blog because I keep getting an error whenever I click on a thread in any forum here so pretty much I can't enter into any thread in the forums.:| Just wonder if anyone else is having this problem. Also it seems the PM system isn't working either.
Edit: Okay looks like it was fixed.
I got a 3DS!
by Wanderer5 on Comments
Well I think for the first time everI got a video game system day one and went to the midnight launch. I got the 3DS.:) Went over to gamestop with some friends, was like around 30 people there and I was the 3rd to get the 3DS and the first to get Pilotwings Resort.:P
Overall I think the 3DS is a great system. The home menu is nice and sleek, AR games and Face Raiders are very amusing games, creating the mii is good as ever, andit seems like you have only one FCwith a gamertag. 3DS camera is pretty cool touse, but the shots are pretty crappy looking.I haven't tried streetpass yet, but I did put the 3DS in sleep mode and test it out by walking around 100 steps and I got a coin.The 3D effects is very good despite that the sweet spots might be a tad too small for me, but I usually get the sweet spot spot on. As for the design it is kinda mixed bag. First I fine the 3DS sexy looking and better then the DSL, and I find the slide pad to be great. However this is more so that I got used to the DSL layout but I kinda hate where the power button and stylus is.
Now to Pilotwings Resort. I was deciding whether to get that or Ghost Recon Shadow Wars but in the end I went with PWR. It pretty much the Plane event in Wii Sports Resort but now with missions and a jet pack and glider. Overall it a pretty good game. The graphics look pretty just about as good as WSR,maybe looking better in some spots and the 3D effects are very good even through it might be a bit too much in max effects. The controls are very good for all the three air vehicles and really loving the jet pack.:P Besides missions you can do the free mode that WSR has. While it is good it is held back by the lack of content. There around 40 missions which doesn't have alot of variation in them, Wuhu Island and the islands around it are the only location, and free mode and only go so far. Also this game lacks any multiplayer whatsoever. It still a good game, so I hope they make another one with more areas, missions, multiplayer, and maybe even add a helicopter.:P
So I haven't regretted getting the 3DS so far and I can't wait for future releases.:) Next game I probably get is Dead or Alive 3DS.
3DS and JRPG heaven
by Wanderer5 on Comments
Hello and it been a little while since I made a blog.:P Anyway well first up a couple of weeks ago I decided to preorder a blue 3DS. I wasn't really sure whether to wait or get it day one and I decided to dive in. I might get Pilotwings Resort but the 3DS might end up being a B-day gift for me despite paying for most of it.:P I very excited to enter into the next gen of handhelds but of course there still some PSP and DS stuff to work on mostly JRPGs.
Tomorrow is going to be RPG heaven for me. For the DS I will be getting Radiant Historia, the new game from Atlus that uses time-traveling as a major role in it. It looks great and I can't wait. For the PSP I will be getting Xenogears which comes to PSN tomorrow. I been hearing great things about it from both critics and players so I going to give it a go. Then in March comes Pokemon. I feel I am ready to get out of my break from Pokemon and get back in with White. Other RPGs I am planning to check out later on are Legend of Heroes VI (plus the other games of the trilogy), Kingdom Hearts Re:coded, Tales of Graces F, Vargrant Story, Devil Survivor Overclocked,and a couple of others I probably forgotten. I going to be in a RPG mood in the next few months lol.
Hello 2011.
by Wanderer5 on Comments
Well another year past by and now comes a new year. Hope everyone had a good new years day. I got back from my trip yesterday from my trip which was good. Went to Washington DC most of the time and to New York City for a little bit. I now only got one week left till my college starts so I just planning to catch up with some games, try some new ones (thanks to Steam) and hang out with friends. Anyway I hope 2011 is going to be a great year from gaming to college.
Christmas went by fast.
by Wanderer5 on Comments
It sure did.:|:P But it was good. Played so much of my DS thanks to 999. So everyone had a good Christmas?:) Now on to New Years Day!:P
My poor wallet!
by Wanderer5 on Comments
Good grief next year is going to be a overload in terms of video games especially the PS3. Sony is like sending just about all its big guns and Nintendo is going to release the 3DS.:cry: So far I know I am getting:
Kingdom Hearts Re:coded
Little Big Planet 2
God Eater
Portal 2
Persona 2 Innocent Sin
Ninokuni (PS3 version)
Batman Arkham City
ICO/Shadow of the Colossus Collection
The Last Guardian
Tomb Raider Reboot
PLUS the 3DS and its games! And then I have those that I am interested in:
Ratchet and Clank All 4 One
Deus Ex 3
Uncharted 2
Diablo III
Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
Shadows of the Damned
Plus more I probably forgot.
Thankfully I sure at least a couple of them will be delayed but holy **** next year is going to be huge. I think I am going to finally use gamefly at this rate.
Assassins, Black Ops, and Zombies oh my!
by Wanderer5 on Comments
Hello everyone! Just giving a little update of what I am playing now. As you can see I playing two games that one involves Assassins while the other involves Black Ops and zombies. I sure you can guess what I am playing.
On to the first game which is Assassin's Creed Brotherhood. Been super excited for this game after falling in love with AC2 a few months ago and my impressions on the multiplayer beta have been mostly positive. Haven't tried MP yet as I been busy of why I mostly wanted Brotherhood, single player. I just started sequence 4 and so far I am loving this game. First is I notice is despite using the same engine I notice some improvements in the graphics through nothing major. Character models I think look a little better, and the framerate and pop ins aren't quite as bad as ACII. Gameplay is the same but with new additions like the Borgia's towers which you need to kill the captain for each tower and then ingite the tower which is pretty cool to watch. The economy is pretty different from ACII where now you buy stores all around Rome. Also a nice bonus is that you can go back to any memory again like AC1. I probably won't touch multiplayer for now as I want to focus on SP. I saving multiplayer for another game which I been playing.
Despite getting tired of most shooters these days I decided to get Call of Duty Black Ops. Despite playing many of the CoD games, BO is the third CoD I own. So far I think it fun, nothing mindblowing, but fun. SP is good through for some reason it can be a bit unstable at times with thankfully isn't as bad in Mutliplayer. MP overall is good and I love the customizing. Overall I like the maps I played so far, through Nuketown can be bad when it comes to spawn camping.-_- And I played a little of Zombie mode and it was arlightthrough I think it will be more fun in co-op.
So those two are keeping me busy with video games recently and I enjoy both of them very much. Personally I like Brotherhood the most between the two, but Black Ops is a good game.
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood Beta.
by Wanderer5 on Comments
Hello everyone.Well I am in another beta. A couple of days ago after being sad that I didn't get a code for the beta of Brotherhood, the beta becomes open to any PS+ user so I course I downloaded it and have it on my PS3.
So what do I think of it. Well I can't really judge alot yet because I CAN'T GET ON A MATCH! It takes forever to have the amount of people to get started. I seriously waited around 15-20 minutes just to wait to be like 6 or whatever the max amount of players there can be before just giving up. *sigh* I really hate matchmaking sometimes. I am going to try again tonight and wait some more to see if I can actually get on.
So I been doing the induction session a couple of times just to test the mode and the characters out, and honestly from what I tested in that session plus hearing what other people say about this beta, I think they need to change the compass a bit. It just seem too easy to find your target which means also easy for your hunter to find you, and since it seems alot of people are playing as runners where they just run to their target, the whole point of taking your target out by stealth is thrown out the window but again I haven't actually went online but that what I been hearing from other people.
So I can't really judge much of this mode yet and hopefully I will tonight after I do some HW. Oh and my favorite character so far is the Prowler. He seems to be like Ezio the most.
So the 3DS...
by Wanderer5 on Comments
Well Nintendo had a lot of 3DS stuff at their recent conference. Seems to be coming to NA in March so I got that part right, but too bad they didn't revealed the price for NA. In Japan it like $300 in US money and people seems to believe that will be the price for NA.:? Can't we just wait till the price is actually revealed lol. I bet it going to be $230-250 and I will still get it at those prices.
Anyway onto the games. First off VC for Gameboy and Gameboy Adavance games!:D Great news. And Resident Evil looks amazing. I really haven't been a huge RE fan (Couldn't get into REmake and played RE4 for a little bit and haven't touch it since), but I think I be willing to give both RE games on 3DS a try. Graphics looks great and judging from the video both look like they ran smooth. I am also excited for Mario Kart, Paper Mario, Kingdom Hearts 3DS (that wasn't shown at the conference) and Professor Layton. I like what I see of the 3DS so I will definitely be getting one.
As for other stuff, I been playing a lot of Birth by Sleep. I am at the final boss for Terra and OMG I felt like throwing my PSP to the wall a couple of times.:evil: The final boss is such a pain so I am probably going to level up some more. I also decided to start playing as Ventus a couple days ago and I am at Deep Space. I think I like playing as Ven more and his story is a bit more sad than Terra's. I won't play as Aqua until I beat Terra and Ventus.
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