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Wanderer5 Blog

E3: Nintendo and Sony's conferences.

Man today was pretty wild. Nintendo and Sony really took out the big guns. Saw both of their conferences, and both being at least good, Nintendo's being awesome.

So starting with Nintendo, I start watching and then blam there Zelda. Nintendo like took out one of their big guns first. As of now I will keep a eye on Zelda: Skyward Sword, however I am 100% sure about it yet after being disappointing of TP. Sucks that the demo didn't go that well due to some problems.

Another game I was actually surprise with is Kirby Epic Yarn (which is such a lame name). The game is actually made of stuff like yarn. It makes it have a creative style and I like it. And as a Kirby game it looks fun so I might check it out.

Now onto the 3DS which I am super exciting about. It looks very good. I like that it has a analog stick and the gaphics are going to look good. Plus it has a good support behind it so far. I already interesting in wanting Mario Kart 3DS, Kingdom Hearts, and MGS3 3D. I will plan to buy this at launch. Nintendo was really awesome this year.

On to Sony Conference. There were some good things. Sly Collection is real and I will be getting that. Sony show off their big exclusives, and Portal 2 coming to PS3 is a suprise even through I still going to get the PC version. The PS Move also looks good.

However the conference drag on a lot. It was boring, and I wish they did more stuff with the PSP not just a video of showing the lineup and a tiny trailer of God of War: Ghost of Sparta. Anyway it was fine, but Nintendo did a better job.

Man I tired lol. I probably give more impressions tomorrow.

Today at E3.

Well I am back from being busy today, and there quite a few interesting stuff I found about.

  • Dang that new 360 is small.
  • Rising looks very good. Haven't seen the video yet through.
  • So that castlevania game was true and like before I am not impress in it. I just not sure about it and how the graphics look like the DS ones. Shouldn't it be HD?
  • That Project Dust game looks interesting. I like its style.
  • No Mirror's Edge 2? **** you EA.:cry:
  • Goldeneye remake for the Wii! Through after looking at the trailer it looks unimpressive.:? I don't know it could probably be fun and splitscreen is a huge plus.
  • Sly Cooper Collection for the PS3! So getting it, and could this mean Sly 4 soon?:o I guess we will have to see at Sony Conference.
  • Michael Jackson game...?

Those are just some quick thoughts from what I seen so far and there still much to see, but I am tired.:PCan't wait to start watching E3 stuff on GS tomorrow and I hope Nintendo and Sony conferences are going to be good. I will give impressions on those conferences and some of what I see at E3 tomorrow.

And so E3 begins...

Well this is it, E3 is upon us once again. Won't be going to be at E3 this time but I will also not be in school since I finished my second semster a few weeks ago so I be watching the conferences and E3 stuff almost all the time, but tomorrow. I am going to be busy tomorrow so I going to miss Microsoft, EA, and Ubisoft's conferences. Not a big deal through, I don't care too much about these conferences beside maybe EA revealing Mirror's Edge 2, which would make my day.:D However I will be seeing Sony's and Nintendo's conference for sure. I will probably be posting while watching in SW or at GUFU. Can't wait it going to be fun.:D

Well that is it for now. I probably make another blog tomorrow of what I find out about tomorrow stuffs.

High School of the Dead getting an anime!

Hello all. Been a little while since my last blog post. I had finished College a couple of weeks ago and enjoying my Summer break so far. Anyway recently I learn that a manga that I enjoy very much is getting a anime show! Check it out zombie fans: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kl6cNSBg3Wg&feature=related

HighSchool of the Dead has so far only been released in Japan, so I read it online. Despite the fan service going a tad too far at times, it apretty good series. It a shame that it been on hiatus a few times in the last couple of years and I think the creators are going to end it on the current arc.:( But I am pretty excited for this anime and hope it will be a fine adaption.

Birthday time once again

Well today is May 5th and that means it my Birthday.:D I am now 19 and... I don't know how I feel.:P Hope today is going to be good.:)

I also like to talk about a game I got yesterday on PSN. It called Lead and Gold: Gangs of the Wild West.

It alreadly came out on PC a month ago, and it was just released on PSN yesterday. I was kinda worry about this game after hearing the flaws that the PC version had (problems like lag and such. Kotaku really was brutal on this game), however not only that the developers fixed alot of the problems on the PC version I think, they made sure that the PSN version was going to run just fine, and it does. The game is kinda like a old western TF2 type game. You got two teams, four clas.ses to pick, and really requires teamwork lol. You won't survive long if you are a lone wolf lol. Anyway pretty fun, the modes are good, pretty simple to play, and there hardly any lag. Could have gotten the PC version, but I am happy with the PSN version. Definitely worth $15.:)

OMG this is so 2011 GOTY.

If case you guys haven't read my sig recently Activision announced Call of Duty Hero! It like Guitar Hero but with Call of Duty characters. I heard it going to have 5 songs in it for $100, but another $100 with a Call of Duty Guitar! And even better they have announced Day 1 DLC. The High School Musical Pack will have 5 songs from the kickass series for $20. I can't wait to see my favorite Call of Duty characters singing those lovely songs from HSM.

It is said to come out on April 1st 2011 exclusively at Circuit City on the PS3, Wii, 360, PC, Mac, PSP, DS, Wiiware, VC, PSN, XBLA, DSiware, 3DS, PS4, Xbox 720, Wii 2, PSP 2, Pandora's Box, and Alien Technology.

Rated M for Milking. Check it out at New York Times

So who going to get the GOTY of 2011, and what system are you goingto get it on?



[spoiler] Yeah April Fools. I know the joke is probably lame and so obvious, but whatever I had fun thinking this up so yeah.:P And I just notice this is my 200th blog.:) Anyway I hope you guys will have a happy april fools day. [/spoiler]

Gamestop game sale: Metal Gear Solid 4.

Hello well I got another game into my PS3 collection and that is Metal Gear Solid 4. It was for $20 at gamestop for their gaming sale, and since Assassin's Creed 2 was not there (for $30) I decided to go with MGS4. Can't wait to play it.:D I only played MGS2, but I might get MGS1 on PSN.

Anway tomorrow is going to be interesting...

Edit: Oh I have to wait 8 minutes for the game to install (while Snake is smoking in the background). I guess installing retail copies to the PS3 are rarer these days?

PSP turns 5 today!

Happy B-day PSP!:D It is great that it was able to survive that long. I remember getting my PSP slim 2000 along with Daxter when it came out (the bundle pack). Since then I have love it so much, enjoying games, and listening to music. I actually now enjoy the PSP more then the DS.

And the PSP is not done yet, as it still has a good upcoming lineup. There are two games that I am planning to get. I been very excited for Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep since... the day it was announced lol, and it finally coming to NA this Summer. I also just recently got interested in Valkyria Chronicles 2. I been playing the Jp demo and it seems to be a very good SRPG. It supposedly coming out this Summer too, so that season is going to be exciting for me, especially since I might go on a trip.

Gaming update, and I am a Master Chief.

Hello. Well January is almost over and I pick up few games during the last couple weeks. Mirror's Edge which I think is awesome, No More Heroes 2 which is a huge improvement over the first one, Fat Princess which I am having loads of fun with despite the stalemate battles, and Pyschonaunts ($2 deal on Steam) which is probably my favorite non mario platformer and is so underrated. Now I won't be buying anything I think till God of War 3 since I am planning to get the ultimate edition.

Oh and I should start adding more of you guys on my friend list. My PSN ID again is Wanderer55.

And dang I hit level 60 today. Man I kinda feel old lol.:P