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First impressions of Arkham Asylum.

Well here we go. I am like around 15% is the game, so I give my first impressions, and they are very positive. So after waiting for a little more then a hour of installing this game and updating Games for Windows Live (ugh), I finally playing what will probably be my favorite game of 09. So where should I start? Well one thing I really like is the setting. Rocksteady really did a very well job of making it feel like Batman. The place is dark and gritty like the batman world, and the graphics looks amazing even on high settings. Like when I go to the surface for the first time overlooking part of the island, I was seriously blown away. I have taken some pictures which I upload later, through without AA setting on they are going to look jagged.

So on to gameplay which is the most important part on a game IMO. It a 3D action game, that has a lot of stealth elements, and both work together very well. I also like detective mode, which makes things more interesting. There also gadgets of course.I only gotten three, and they are pretty good. I like that grapple one where you drag a enemy towards you, and is helpful against those enemies that have the two knives. Finally there also those Riddler's trophies and riddle, which will add some replay value for sure. I used to be worry that this game will get repetitive, but that fear is pretty much gone so far, as I really am enjoying this game.

The voice acting is very very good. I am glad they brought back some of the voice actors from the animated series, and they sound awesome in this game.

Challenge mode seems to be impressive. I only did one mode, plus the Gamestop exclusive one (which is great IMO). Shame the PC version doesn't have the joker challenge map one lol.

One last thing before I end my first impressions, is the part where you meet the Scarecrow. I am not going to spoil much, but that part with him is just creepy, and I sure there will be more moments with him. Right now I am heading into Arkham mansion.:) So overall I am really loving this game.

Dissidia: Final Fantasy and No More Heroes.

Hello! Well as i am going through college, I been playing two awesome games (besides TF2). The first one is Dissidia: Final Fantasy which I been loving so much. There are just tons of stuff to do, and it just a very fun game. My top favorite characters are the Warrior of Light, Cecil, Squall, and Tidus. I been going through story mode a lot. So far I beaten six story modes (Warrior of Light, Firion, Squall, Cloud, Cecil, and Tidus). So I really loving the game despite some minor flaws, like the camera. I probably will write a review for it.

Meanwhile I been playing No More Heroes too, which i love for the most part. I really love the characters especially Destory Man.:P The combat is fine, and I actually don't mind those side questjobslike mowning a lawn, and picking up trash.:P This game is so crazy, and I really like that style. However I really hate the overworld. You get a somewhat big area, yet nothing really happens much, so it gets boring, and it is fill with pop ins and other graphics problems. To make matters worse, the motocycle controls are so clunky. I hope they improve the overworld in the sequel. Otherwise I love the game.

First day of College and TF2 classless update

Well today was a special one for me, as it was the first day of going to college. I was kinda nervous at first, but I sure I going to get used to college pretty quickly. I only taking 4 classes which are English, Math (on Monday and Wednesday), Study Skill, and Digital Media (Tuesday and Thursday). I have Friday off then. The College I going to is pretty nice too, and I sure I am going to enjoy being there for the next couple of years.:)

Meanwhile while college is starting, I been trying out Team Fortress 2's new update which is call the classless update. It has a new mode which is King of the Hill. I tried the mode a while ago, and I thought it was fun, and it still is, through it not my favorite mode. Viaduct is a nice looking map through.There a new arena map called Offblast, which doesn't seem to be a bad map, but I not really a fan of arena, so I only played the map once. The new Control Point map, Yukon, seems to be a good map, but not my favorite CP map. But the one I really enjoyed is the Capture the Flag version of Sawmill.

Sawmill first off is one of the best looking maps in TF2 IMO. And it seems to have a good layout for a CTF game. Finally there are new hats, through it still rare to get them.>_> So overall I think this update is decent, but I want to see a Engineer update soon.

DC, Nightmare Inspector, and some other things.

Hello everyone. Well I been on a trip, and I am in Washington DC for a few days. So I am enjoying my trip a lot. Meanwhile I got hook to a new manga series, and it called Nightmare Inspector. It takes place in the 1920's in japan where a person name Hiruko is a baku who is a dream eater, and he helps people who suffer from nightmares. It a really interesting setting, through at times some of the chapters doesn't make sense.:P But otherwise I love the series. Would be awesome if there a anime show for it.

Well after my trip, I got half of August to do whatever before I go to college. I probably make some Dissidia: Final Fantasy sigs and banner. Can't wait for Dissidia.:D Well that it for now. I will come back tomorrow.

Anime Expo AX 09.

Well yesterday I went to AnimeExpo AX 09, and I really had a lot of fun. I mostly justlook around the exhibit hall, and buying some stuff, even through our heads exploded due to the tons of stuff the place had.:lol: We only saw one event. It was going to be Death Note the live action movie, but that got cancelled, so we just watch a event about Anime openings and endings. Atlus was there also, and I tried out Persona PSP remake. Looks like a awesome remake and the battle theme is so catchy. I am definitely going next year, but I am going to wear a costume for that time. Here the stuff I got:

Stuff I got at Anime Expo

Most of the stuff are Axis Powers Hetalia things, while I also got a TF2 sniper tag, Cowboy Bebop manga, and a Allen Walker Chibi Statue.^_^

Grad Nite, Ghostbusters Wii.

Well Graduation went well so I am glad of that. Also had a great time at my class 09 grad nite. I won a prize too lol. And it is Fallout 3, and I amloving it so far. I love the world, and the gameplay seens fine so far. Meanwhile I finally got Ghostbusters: The Videogame for the Wii. Man what a very fun game, Co-op is even more fun, and the controls are great. Graphics look okay but the artstyle is good. I notice some poor AI, but otherwise I love this game.

Speaking of which, I am watching the first movie now on TV lol.

Graduation and Team Fortress 2.

First off I am very sorry that I haven't been posting blogs about E3. I just really never thought of what I was going to say, especially since I had finals last week. Anyway I see if I can post more on E3 this weekend (maybe just do my top 10 of E3). Well today is a very special day to me because in a few hours I am going to graduate from high school. It going to be sad to leave my high school, but I can't wait to go to college this fall.:) Well I hope it will go well tonight.

The other thing which I would like to talk about in Team Fortress 2, which I got a few weeks ago thanks to the free weekend deal Steam had. It is the funnest FPS multiplayer game I played. It team based, which I really didn't get into much before (I used to just play free for all a lot in the FPS games I played), but it still very fun. I like using the Engineer and Sniper the most. I am a pretty good Engineer and get a lot of kills, even through I die alot, because of foolish mistakes I make lol. As a Sniper I do get a lot of good shots too. So I glad I don't suck in this game lol.:P I hope valve will come out with the engineer update soon.

I went to E3, and E3 games impression part 1.

No I am not kidding, I did went to E3 today.:) I was invited to help take pictures for Pro vs G.I Joe Guitar Hero tournament, but I was able went around to explore the place most of the time. I have played quite a few games, and I am going to be nice and gives some impressions for at least most of them. I also going to split them up into a couple of blogs since it probably going to take a while to put it in one blog lol. For now I am going to give the list of games I played and give a impressions to three games. And here is the games I played.

Spyborgs (Wii)
New Super Mario Bros Wii (Wii)
Sin and Punishment 2 (Wii)
Red Steel 2 (Wii)
Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days (DS)
Professor Layton 2 (DS)
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince (Wii)
Dissidia: Final Fantasy (PSP)
Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier (PSP)
The Conduit (Wii)
Silent Hill: Shattered Memories (Wii)
Dead Space: Extraction (Wii)
Resident Evil: Dark Side Chronicles (Wii)
Muramasa: The Demon Blade (Wii)

I am also going to upload a lot of pics too, so keep a eye on those. Anyway now comes the impressions. Here are three games I will give impressions for now:

Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days: Impressive overall. Unlike the previous KH games, this one seems to be more mission based, where you can get rewards when to beat them. The mission I did was in Twilight Town where I need to beat this guardian boss. I was playing as Roxas, and Axel was a AI party member. The gameplay is pretty much the same as the previous KH games, which is fine to me, andthe graphics look amazing.The only problem I had was that controlling the camera while fighting is a bit annoying at times. You control the camera by using the touch screen, and doing that while fighting or moving out of the way is as I say a bit annoying. Of course there is the lock on, but still. Otherwise I enjoy the demo, and I can't wait for the game.

Silent Hill: Shattered Memories: I was very impress with this one. I decided to skip the beginning part, and choose that part where the town turn into ice of horror. It starts out pretty quiet yet creepy, then you meet the monsters, where your only option is to run. Most of the demo I play is running for my life through hallway after hallway, while looking back (there a button where you can glance back) and seeing monsters chasing after me. It was really scary, and the sound effects help it too. I will also like to add that this game has probably the best lighting effects for a Wii game. Overall I enjoy this demo, and it looks like the Wii is getting a good horror game.

New Super Mario Bros Wii: Pretty much it like NSMB DS but with 4 player co-op. I was playing a couple levels with three other people, and we had a blast. There is Mario, Luigi, and two toads that the players will play. There nothing much to say more on this game at the moment, but with four people, it is very fun. Shame it won't have online.

Well that is it for now, so I will keep posting impressions in the next few days.:)

E3 09 impressions.

Well despite having school, I was still able to see Microsoft and Nintendo conference, while knowing about some of Sony's. So I give some impressions on each:

Microsoft: Pretty impressive overall. Splinter Cell: Conviction, Alan Wake, and Halo ODST look great, so it good to see that there are some good looking exclusive coming to the 360. That Shadow Complex game looks impressive too. I think Valve is releasing Left for Dead 2 too early through. They should just support the first one a little more, and push the sequel to next year. I am excited to see what Metal Gear Soild: Rising is going to be like. I am glad it is coming to the PC (I think they confirmed it), so I will keep a eye on it. Finally Natal looks very impressive, even through I think the Wii MotionPlus is probably going to be a bit better. I like that Milo part, it was well done.

Nintendo: Pretty impressive overall too. Super Mario Galaxy 2 and New Super Mario Bros Wii look awesome, however Metroid: Other M beats any new game announcement IMO. That game looks awesome. Probably the best looking Wii game, awesome CGI scenes,and it looks fun. I am definitely putting it on my must buy list for now. Other things that I was pleased was that Wii Motion Plus looks awesome. I am going to get it with Wii Sports Resorts when the game comes out. Finally it good to see that KH: 358/2 Days is coming out in September here.

Sony: Now I haven't seen much of Sony's conference, but there are two things that looks awesome. One is MGS: Peace Walker, which look impressive. However the other one is just more impressive and that is The Last Guardian. Team ICO does it again. It looks very beautiful. Can't wait to see more on that one. Uh other things were that it pretty cool that Resident Evil is coming to PSP, throughI would pefer a DMC game. Finally I don't care much for PSP Go. I am just fine with my PSP slim.

Well that it with those three. But there is something I am going to say, but I will save it for tomorrow.;)