This rant is stemming from the recent GTA 4 score. A perfect 10? So what you are saying is this game is so good, it doesn't need a single thing to be fixed or improved! In the Game Badge section they have list "Occasional problems with friendly AI" and "Some minor visual quirks" under their "BAD" category….well doesn't that say that its not a 10 right there? At least a 9.8 wouldn't you think?
I also know ex-Rockstar guys who have told me that Rockstar actively bribes game review sites with swag (shirts, hats, free copies of games, etc… ) as well as threaten to pull their advertising from the site in order to bump a review a few points. And since playing GTA 4 I have to say I can see it very clearly. The game is far from perfect. (Read my review if you want to hear more about GTA 4).
But this lack of integrity extends beyond cheating the reader of a few points. Last year, a veteran review writer was fired from Game Spot for giving the game Kane and Lynch a poor review. At least those are the rumors! These rumors have been denied by Game Spot and owner CNET. I don't know Jeff, never met him, and couldn't tell you if he is the kind of person to do something worthy of being fired after working at a place for 10 years, but I know the game industry and I can almost guarantee that he was fired for giving a bad review.
I personally know another writer who was fired from IGN for similar reasons, but being a junior writer he didn't make hardly any waves when he disappeared.
Why would this happen? Why would the review sites deliberately deceive you? The answer is simple! They get paid (in advertising dollars and Swag) by the game companies who make these games. Gamer Scores are advertising bought and paid for! The higher a game's score the more game units sell, the more money the game company makes. So a game company can use the money they gave the Game Review site as leverage against the site. "If you don't give use a good review we will pull all of our advertising revenue from your site". Or in more extreme cases they can force a Game Review Site to fire an employee. In the end it comes down to the Game Corporations "Gaming the System"…the system in this case is "You" the reader, and guiding you to what games you are going to buy. For the Game Review Sites its not a big deal….what's a few points bumped up on a game score compared to the hundreds of thousands of dollars that they get paid by the game company. Who cares? Is just a game anyway right…no need to throw away all that money on something so small?
I don't want to sound like I am only dissing Game Spot, they are not the only Game Review Site who has been backed into this corner! Look around and you will see almost ever Game Review Site is in the same boat. There are a few sites out there that are too small to be affected by the this, but they are also to small to have much impact. Ether they are run by an individual or don't have a large overhead to pay for so they aren't handicapped by the advertizing of the game companies.
Now don't get me wrong! I love Game Spot, they have one of the best sites with all the cool stuff for us end users (Blogs, Forums, and don't forget the brilliant Badges)….but I am not going these cool perks blind me to the fact that we are being deceived.
How can this be fixed? The only way I can think of would be to have Game Review Sites that earn their advertizing revenue from sources other than game companies. Its ether that or we have some kind of Review Approval System with an objective group of people who make sure the Game Review Sites are not playing favorites…but that sounds to horrible to consider.
I don't want to sound like I am only slamming Game Spot, they are not the only Game Review Site who has been backed into this corner! Look around and you will see almost ever Game Review Site is in the same boat. There are a few sites out there that are too small to be affected by the this, but they are to have much impact. Ether they are run by an individual or don't have a large overhead to pay for so they aren't handicapped by the advertizing of the game companies.
Now don't get me wrong! I love Game Spot, they have one of the best sites with all the cool stuff for us end users (Blogs, Forums, and don't forget the brilliant Badges)….but I am not going these cool perks blind me to the fact that we are being deceived, and since I worked in the game industry for over 12 years I have first hand knowledge of how these things work.
How can this be fixed? The only way I can think of would be to have Game Review Sites that earn their advertizing revenue from sources other than game companies. Its ether that or we have some kind of Review Approval System with an objective group of people who make sure the Game Review Sites are not playing favorites…but that sounds to horrible to consider.
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