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Beta testing Requiem: Bloodymare

I have been delinquent on making comments because I got suckered into beta testing the up coming MMO Requiem: Bloodymare. First off I must say that has got to be one of the worst names of all time. I haven't got to far, I started building a Barbarian, but then found out a friend of mine was on another server so I started a new character there.

The really strange thing is you pick your race (Human Race, Big Race, Skinny Race) then you play for 10 levels (maybe 4-5 hours of game play) and then you pick your class. But your class is tied to your race, so only the Skinny Race can be Rouges, and only the Big Race can be barbarians, and on the Human Race can be Paladins, et... There are two Classes for each Race, and I have heard that some time much later in the game you get to choose another "Secondary Class". The second thing that is strange is you gain skill points and skills while you level up to 10, and then loose all your skills and skill point (except 3 I think?) when you pick a Class.

The big things it has going for it is it is Bloody as all hell! Decapitation, whole bodies cleaved in two, and chunks on the ground twitching and quivering after the kill! Awesome! The monsters are freakishly grotesque! And the character art is amazing!

Quests have been generic. There has been WAY to much running from point A to point B then back to point A again. There are not enough quests to lead you to the next area to get more quests, leading to more senseless running around the world looking for more stuff to skill.

I will write more if I keep playing.

Ultra-Realism vs. The Uncanny Valley

Why are we constancy obsessed with making our games more realistic? The game of 'Chess" while invented some time in the 6th century and has remained largely unchanged since the 1400's, and is still considered to be one of the greatest games of all time. This is also shown very clearly in the recent trend of people still buying an 8 year old game called Diablo II. Diablo II can still be found on the shelves of stores, something that is not shared by some of next gen games that came out even last year.

Half the fun about playing games is that they aren't real, they are at the very least exaggerations, or complete fantasy, and don't need to mimic real life. This brings us to the Uncanny Valley! This is a deeply hypothetical and here is the explanation of "The Uncanny Valley" explanation from Wikipedia:

"Mori's hypothesis states that as a robot is made more humanlike in its appearance and motion, the emotional response from a human being to the robot will become increasingly positive and empathic, until a point is reached beyond which the response quickly becomes that of strong repulsion. However, as the appearance and motion continue to become less distinguishable from a human being, the emotional response becomes positive once more and approaches human-to-human empathy levels".

For example: Team Fortress 2 is a more stylized and cartoony looking game. As a result, the characters are more appealing because we recognize that they not real and therefore don't associate their looks and movements to be real. This leaves room for the mind to fill in the blanks, making the characters more iconic and memorable. But looking at the characters from Half-Life 2 looks clunky, mechanical, and odd, even creepy, because they are trying to imitate real human movements and mannerisms.

We interact with people everyday, and there are microscopic subtleties in our movements that we are not even aware of, so when we see a character in a game that is going for "Ultra-Realism", they tend to look more like an animated mannequin or corpse, giving us that creeped out feeling.

One of the other problems from this is the realistic graphics will tend to turn off the average gamer, which is where your larger markets tend to be. Games like Crysis will sell well at first, but will have very little staying power in the stores because everyone who is attracted to the realistic style is a much smaller audience than something that is brighter, more stylized, and more approachable. Not that I am a fan of the MMO genre, but World of Warcraft is a good example of a "Hardcore" game that has pulled in the average gamer because of its colorful visual style and approachable early game play experience.

My only hope is that developers get tired of the "Ultra-Realistic" look and get back to making games that challenge our imagination and give us some room to use our own creativity to fill in the blanks.

The Great Technology Hype

Publishing companies have bought into the Technology hype. If its not "Next Gen" then they don't want to hear about it. They will not put any money towards a game that is not pushing the envelope of technology (or an MMO it seems), much to the detriment of many companies, and potentially great games with solid "Game Play"….witch is what this industry should be all about.

As much as I like Technology, it should not be the focus of the game industry, we make games, that is what we should be doing. The PC market is suffering in sales because the only people who can play the games being made are the ones with the super high-end PC machines with the latest killer video cards with 4gigs of Ram. This makes up about 5%-8% of the potential gamers who buy games, and that doesn't even mean that 100% of that 5%-8% will buy your game. The average PC consumer spends $600-$900 on a computer from Dell, Gateway, or Fry's Electronics….there are easily 100 million computers out there, more if you count office computers. This is a much larger market and the target should be quality games that target the mid to lower end machines, with options that will work for players with high end specs.

Then there is the consol market! Xbox 360 has only around 10 million units in the US and about 18 million World wide (These numbers may be out of date and would require more research to verify). With the exception of the Playstation 2 witch has 40 million units in the US and 120 World wide.

So at what point did the PC market stop being a viable game market to target? Was it when technology go so complicated that the average consumer couldn't install a game and have it just work? Is that why consoles are so much more appealing as a game platform? I can only hope that with the current technology that has just come out, we will not see any more huge tech leaps (Im looking at you Crysis and Unreal), and now we can focus on making games again.

How I Hate the Cinematic Experience

[EDIT: Changed the catagory from Editorial to Opinion where it belongs. Thats what I get for writing till stupid o'clock in the morning.]

It feels to me that the Movie Industry is having a negative influence on the Game Industry. Some current game makers are trying to be movie directors instead of game developers by introducing massive in game cut scenes, in many cases to the detriment of game play. These cut scenes have become so invasive in the games that what you end up with are effectively just movies that are interrupted by periodic spats of game play, which is fine in its own regard, but it's not much of a game. And there have been some hugely popular games that follow this model, and I still dislike them all almost completely.

One of the biggest offenders of this is the Final Fantasy series, where the player occasionally moves the hero avatar around and fighting maybe 3-5 monsters before putting the controller down for the next 5 minute cut scene or exhausting dialog strings. Maybe I am crazy but I like a little more game in my games, and a lot less watching movie dialog. Other games that do this include, Metal Gear Solid, and all the games from Biowear. All have so much tedious dialog and interrupting cut scenes that I have quit playing regardless of how good a review score they have received.

Now, don't get me wrong, I love movies! I have a massive collection of 400+ DVDs, all I am saying is that when I am playing a game, I want to play a game, not watch a movie.

On the same note of the Cinematic Experience is the Dialog Talk Tree. This inane addition to game play thankfully went extinct many years ago until Biowear resurrected it. The biggest problem for me with the "Multiple Guess" dialog game is that I don't like game makers dictating what my character would say in a given situation…just give me the dialog that I need to move on with the story and let me decide what to do with that info, I don't need 20 minutes of mindless talking, and your insipid dialog to show me that I made a choice. The other problem is that inevitably there is a choice that seems harmless enough, but picking it turns out to be disastrous, not at all what you though it meant, and even worse it causes combat with an NPC that you had intended to be friendly with. I have only ever seen Dialog Trees done well once and that was in the original Fallout game, and even that game had some problems with the dialog. So please, can we stop using them…they don't work, and they are not fun.

My Hypocrisy

OK, I caved in like a paper bag, and despite what my last Blog entry stated, I just finished my first game review, Assassin's Creed. But I don't go into detail about the story or characters or crap like that. It's purely a review of "Game Play" and "Quality".

So, even though I don't think anyone will read the reviews, I have decided that I will write more, I might even make an attempt at writing a review for all the games I own, but considering that number is 150+ games, its not likely to happen over night. Also, some of the games are so old, it will be hard to give an objective review that doesn't rely heavily on nostalgia for graphics and sound qualifications.

Ok, its 1am, and I am sure the girlfriend is more than a little pissed I didn't go to bed with her and take care of business.

User Reviews

I'm sure you have heard the saying "Opinions are like (omitted), everyone has one". Well it's true, and I am no exception. Truth be told, I don't write these rambling down for you to read and gain valuable insight from to make your life better. I don't care if you find some gem of knowledge that reveals secrets of the "Real World" to you. I do it for me.

And now you say "You selfish (omitted), what the hell is wrong with you"? Now you come to find the truth, I am selfish. I don't have pets to take care of and I don't have kids that I would have to share my toys and games with. I am free to spend my time as I please, do and say what I want, and spew my venom and opinions down on you like a septic lunatic, pissing and shouting from the roof on the unsuspecting pedestrians below.

Where do videogames come into this Blog? What was my point? Oh yes…it was user opinions! I was contemplating writing my "User Review" of the games I have played and "Scored" when it occurred to me: User opinions/reviews are virtually useless. Most are trite and useless "Dis gam was bootsy, I giv a 1" or the ever popular polar opposite. "Best game EVERI left white stains of the ceiling! Perfect 10". Then there are the rare informed people with an actual gift for writing and a solid understanding of games that makes there opinions actually worth something. If this person writes his intelligent findings of a particular game, scores it appropriately and posts his "User Review" it will be read by about 3 people before being buried amongst the myriad of 1's and 10's. And then there is the question of how many people who give those 10's worked on the game and are deliberately inflating the overall score. Or people who are working on a competing product who are giving the product 1's to artificially bring the average score down.

If a person went to some type of formal education facility and then gets a job writing his opinions, then these people are call "Professional Reviews", A.K.A. Critics. The point is these people went to school so that they can get paid money to share their opinions with you, and assuming you find a Critic that you agree with, on the average, then count yourself lucky.

The point is, we have professional reviewers, I didn't go to school for journalism, and I'm not convinced that writing a game review is a good use of my time.

Off to watch the Superbowl….here is hopping the Patriots loose! Just to see the underdogs triumph…and to spit in the eye of all the freedom fry eating Jingoists.

Me and my first Blog entry!

About Me:

I have been in the industry a long time, 12 years, and have lots of opinions about the trends and state of the games that are developed. I have worked on small Game Boy games and several massive Triple A Titles and found that I prefer the small projects, small teams, and medium deadlines. I got my start as an artist and animator and have since moved into the game design side of things. Oh how I envy the simple days of doing my job and not dealing with all the stress and (omitted to keep your ears from bleeding) of being a designer.

I have more ex-friends and partners with ex-wives and partners than I have actual friends anymore. As for myself, I have gone through 1 wife, 2 girlfriends and countless lovers since getting into the industry. I think I have come to realize that relationships are a just a very unfortunate casualty of the game industry.

My Rant:

The current trend of On-Line Only Games is killing the game industry as a whole. I know I know...it's not really true, but it feels that way. Every year we get another 5 games that come out, just a newer, slicker version of Everquest, but still basically the same game. And they take MONTHS to play, and finish, and require you have Friends that help you complete the game...oh but wait there is no completing the game, because they have no interest in having a "END" because that would mean that you stop paying a monthly fee to keep playing a game that YOU HAVE ALREADY (omitted or decency) PAID FOR!!! So now you go on-line day after day, playing the same game, to reach that ever elusive level cap….for what reason? What was your mission, your quest? Your Goal? Oh that's right…there is none! The goal is "Get to the next level so you can go to a new area and fight the next monster type". Instead of going out and playing 4 different games that year and getting a little variety.

Technology is another problem with the games right now....I love the looks of these games, but for the love of Cthulhu, or any other deity that would gladly destroy this world if I see another game that is comprised of varying shades of brown and grey, could we please get some color.....Please? But, but, but look how shinny it is, and look at all the pock marks and pimples you can see on his ass as he runs by at 70MPH with the blur cam and debris from explosions in every direction....I think I even saw a nose hair! Well that's just GREAT! "But how", I ask, "does that make the game-play any better"? And you respond "It doesn't, it adds to the Cinematic Experience".....then go and watch a (omitted to protect the innocent) MOVIE….I'm trying to play a game!!!!!!!!!

* I HATE HATE HATE the buzz word bingo of the game industry, or any industry for that mater, did you know some douchebag marketing tumor, actually claimed they were using "Nanotechnology" to sell laundry detergent? Despicable! I have no love or respect for any of the marketing ** that I have met so far. They have no creativity and no real vision so they use their power over a project to make themselves feel more important. They asked me once. So…this idea you have here. How do I sell it? With a look of complete horror I wanted respond, "We gee! Isn't that YOUR (omitted for the Republicans) JOB YOU COMPLETE TOOL"?

** I love cussing, its so expressive, and if I could be assured that snot nosed little prepubescent twits would be reading this, I would not have all these stupid

About Me:

I have been in the industry a long time, 12 years, and have lots of opinions about the trends and state of the games that are developed. I have worked on small Game Boy games and several massive Triple A Titles and found that I prefer the small projects, small teams, and medium deadlines. I got my start as an artist and animator and have since moved into the game design side of things. Oh how I envy the simple days of doing my job and not dealing with all the stress and (omitted to keep the parents off my back) of being a designer.

I have more ex-friends and partners with ex-wives and partners than I have actual friends anymore. As for myself, I have gone through 1 wife, 2 girlfriends and countless lovers since getting into the industry. I think I have come to realize that relationships are a just a very unfortunate casualty of the game industry.

My Rant:

The current trend of On-Line Only Games is killing the game industry as a whole. I know I know...it's not really true, but it feels that way. Every year we get another 5 games that come out, just a newer, slicker version of Everquest, but still basically the same game. And they take MONTHS to play, and finish, and require you have Friends that help you complete the game...oh but wait there is no completing the game, because they have no interest in having a "END" because that would mean that you stop paying a monthly fee to keep playing a game that YOU HAVE ALREADY (omitted or decency) PAID FOR!!! So now you go on-line day after day, playing the same game, to reach that ever elusive level cap….for what reason? What was your mission, your quest? Your Goal? Oh that's right…there is none! The goal is "Get to the next level so you can go to a new area and fight the next monster type". Instead of going out and playing 4 different games that year and getting a little variety.

Technology is another problem with the games right now....I love the looks of these games, but for the love of Cthulhu, or any other deity that would gladly destroy this world if I see another game that is comprised of varying shades of brown and grey, could we please get some color.....Please? But, but, but look how shinny it is, and look at all the pock marks and pimples you can see on his ass as he runs by at 70MPH with the blur cam and debris from explosions in every direction....I think I even saw a nose hair! Well that's just GREAT! "But how", I ask, "does that make the game-play any better"? And you respond "It doesn't, it adds to the Cinematic Experience".....then go and watch a (omitted to protect the innocent) MOVIE….I'm trying to play a game!!!!!!!!!

* I HATE HATE HATE the buzz word bingo of the game industry, or any industry for that mater, did you know some douchebag marketing tumor, actually claimed they were using "Nanotechnology" to sell laundry detergent? Despicable! I have no love or respect for any of the marketing ** that I have met so far. They have no creativity and no real vision so they use their power over a project to make themselves feel more important. They asked me once. So…this idea you have here. How do I sell it? With a look of complete horror I wanted respond, "We gee! Isn't that YOUR (omitted for the Republicans) JOB YOU COMPLETE TOOL"?

** I love cussing, its so expressive, and if I could be assured that snot nosed little prepubescent twits would be reading this, I would not have all these stupid(omitted to keep your ears from bleeding) everywhere!

OK, I think that's enough ranting an raving for one night….now I will go, and maybe I will be back tomorrow with my thoughts on Turok, the latest travesty to make it to Gold.


OK, I think that's enough ranting an raving for one night….now I will go, and maybe I will be back tomorrow with my thoughts on Turok, the latest travesty to make it to Gold.

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