My most fond memory, was when I went to a local cinema where they launched an event for Uncharted 2 with some of the game designers showing the game off on the big screen, now THAT blew me away like crazy!! MGS 4 was also a huge moment for me! Although I've played on my Xbox 360 tons more than my PS3, the latter has the most deep feelings and memories behind it thanks to Heavy Rain, Demons Souls, MGS4 and Uncharted series.
@B_STATS AvP 1 and AvP 2 games fit into the franchise, also Prometheus was a rather good movie, but Alien 3 and 4 of the movies, now I do agree that those I could have lived without.
@kmkaks Uuh.. have you SEEN the Alien movies? None of them was about being alone, the Alien(s) caught the people when they were alone yes, but not because there weren't any other people in the movies. The people tried to stick together constantly. Aliens as Co-op could be amazing only if worked out properly, it could very much still be scary, but it requires some good scripts, a good AI etc.
An idea could be to make levels where there are some extensive vent systems where an alien could spawn within and jump out(like Necromorphs in Dead Space).
@TwinSnakes1989 @Warful I was referring to the old Duke Nukem 3D, not Gearbox's new Duke game, at that I do agree it didn't bring anything.
and don't put words in my mouth, I respect your opinion, that you don't like a specific game, but when you neglect what some games brings of new elements or genres to the table, that's just being narrowminded.
@TwinSnakes1989 What you and many others fail to see is the unique things some games bring to the table and also their potential. Duke Nukem and Borderlands did bring alot and were they very own. It's quite alrigh that you dislike a game, we all do, but failing to see their strengths or see why they are popular, shame on you.
@Tseng @FedCom It is not my priorities, the market has become as such, I KNOW there are games that contain many more hours on that part, sadly however, a SP campaign nowadays has a length of 6 hours as general. I think Halo can pull off that length because it has a great MP part, and the campaigns usually always have a great epic feel to them, the content in em are just amazing!But of course I am annoyed that games can cost 60 bucks and only contain 6 hours of campaign and the rest is repetition of MP that is somewhat fun, but that's about it. The market is devolving on the SP part sadly
Warful's comments