Seems the reviewer has a problem with the juvenile and immature nature of the game. Indeed it's not for everyone, but that's how Saints Row was from SR2 onwards, so I guess it's just not for him. Well... his opinion. Those issues and bugs he mentions, on the other hand, sound problematic.
I think it would be good if there is again some market for "AA" games. They have been gone for some years and since 2016 they seem to be coming back slowly.
@trackles: Indies are the games that need to be advertised the most; it's hard for them to be noticed under the ton of other indies they have to compete against. Considering that; four indies in an article could arguably be considered to fall short.
@hoyholyhoy: People with a brain who wants to learn new stuff cares. Next time you leave a comment (at least) try to remember that your ignorance is not as valid as other people's knowledge.
Warlord_Irochi's comments