@Pac1Man: It fells like each time some game dares to touch some RL issues and be good at the same time, some self-entitled wise-ass gets triggered and feels the need to write an attention-seeking pointless accusation of "game is getting more score than deserves"
@7tizz: With a few exceptions, right now what they are releasing seems experimental. There is a ton of potential and oportunity on VR, but it needs more development. Currently I would say that "when and where it works, works great"
@connorman01: Iirc, you can't get really good gear (From any source) that makes a significant difference until you reach reputation 2, until then, all you can unlock is vanity items. I would not call that P2W.
Provably wasting my time in a obvious PS4 fanboy, but again: It's up to each one. If you don't really care about best graphics and just want you games to run acceptably fine and without potential compatibility issues for years to come, of course, get console.
If you want the absolute best experience, you go PC, but this comes with a price: both in knowing your system and understanding about graphics and performance and in a monetary one.
No no "best" or "worst". Just what you expect and want in gaming and whatever covers your needs. The rest is just useless fanboy talk. Don't know why that is so hard to accept or understand.
Warlord_Irochi's comments