@fig56: You know how it is; a problem happens to a reduced number of users and some people decide that they want to believe that it's a massive general failure.
@everson_rm: Sorry that those quality games are not violent and badass and dude-bro enough for you. Agreed that layers of fear is good, though it overuses cheap jumpscares for it, but sorry. Evolve is dead in general.
@wexorian: Don't worry man: Whatever comes next you'll find some excuse to get mad and throw random critics at it, no matter how good it is, like you always do.
@pasullica: Pro-tip: You can keep scrolling in the main website and ignore those articles you are not interested in. Clicking and leaving a comment is not compulsory :)
@grin89: I see your point. Personally I see them as a reason to keep playing a game that I finished but I like. I try to ignore then when the game does not fulfill me that much.
Warlord_Irochi's comments