@ndmallmann: I would dare to say that is Marketing the one to blame for that. At least a bit more than players. I mean: the game looks amazing for what we can see here and other sources. Even if it's shit in the end.
- "Again they score lower Xone exclusives" (Check) - "7 means it's a bad game" (Check) - "But in this other site they gave it an 8+" (Check) - "It sucks because it's not a exact copy of the previous ones" (Check)
@onemanarmyasd: I find funny how you saw the need to point that this has nothing to do with the exclusivity, like if your statement had anything to do with it. Still, not necessary: saying that people has low IQ for liking this already hinted an immature bias by your side.
Warlord_Irochi's comments