@quackingintensifies: Your need to insult everyone that enjoy this is what's an insult to human intelligence in general. You registered yesterday and already being a jerk? Reported.
@quackingintensifies: There is nothing bad in defending something you like, coming to the comments to rant like a little kid about the system you dislike instead of just ignoring it is what's pointless and just a cheap call for attention (And you wrote no less than 6 posts, you must have little to do in your life).
You are not funny; you are pitiful, and if you think that talking crap about the people that chose a system over another, you are also a bit tragic.
@croxus: "Whenever a new non-American gaming company tries to breakout of shadows, the review industry hammers it down."
Doesn't seem like that's the rule. What makes you think that? I see lot of small studios from Europe (10ton, Haousemarquee...) are getting great reviews in general.
@lukey52: "Or they're using bots to upvote this article" Why would they fake a system that allow them to measure website traffic and post the stuff that generates more of it? What would be the point of it?
@thageorgian: Read again my post and notice the "keep" word. Companies go producing more content for a game when this one returns profit. That's were my logic is and it's far less flawed that suggesting that nobody plays this anymore even though the evidence (content + all those youtube videos) say the opposite.
Another thing is that you don't like the game and want to believe the opposite. But that's a totally different topic :)
Warlord_Irochi's comments