@bdrtfm: Regarding the AMD motherboards, I may be totally wrong here so somebody feel free to correct me, but iirc in the case of AMD the TPM requirement is covered by the CPU more than the mobo. Pretty much any Ryzen after 2000 should have it covered, no?
I still agree with you; leaving so many people outside, or forcing to update in a time that updating a pc is a nightmare is just, to say the least, inconsiderate.
Honestly, I'm just happy that it seems like most of my stuff will still work the same. That is already a lot more than what I got after my jump from Win7 to Win10.
Exorcist II is difficult to define as "bad". But because first you need to understand what the Hell is going on in the movie and that is, itself, a challenge.
A thing worth mentioning about Hellraiser, is that both "Hellword" and "Deader" scripts were not originally Hellraiser movies (they were turned into that due to contract agreements to make more films) and it is very noticeable. "Revelations" is also terrible.
Warlord_Irochi's comments