@Death_Masta187 That actually makes a lot of sense, but still not sure if it's a smart move for them to skip the Xmass market :/
@Thanatos2k @super_gameru Most of that people can wait for the game on PC if it has been already confirmed, like this case. I would do that at least (PS360PC user here)
@Queuingreturns Dude, really?Greatness of gaming will be saw when all the fanboys mature/disappear.Then people wonders why mainstream media does not take seriously, whith this level of maturity I'm not surprised...
@kadhirdl Now that is the purest fanboy rant I've read in a while, great show!Explain Ubisoft's PC exclusives then...
@Chai_Tea " We just think all PC players are pirates."If that were the case they would not release the game at all... Not to menction PC exclusives like Anno.
@frozenux @NeoBillbine @GodOfSyn @Warlord_Irochi As soon as you have a good TV the difference is not that big :)
@GONtheSKYLORD @GodOfSyn @Warlord_Irochi I believe you can get a pretty decent result with a 1080p and atialiasing.
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