@Horndawgie @s_h_a_d_o I give your obsession with numbers and other guy's opinion a random number that I won't tell, because you will complain about it.
@bakasora And if you readed the article, you would know that this was the studio's decission, not the "censor board" (Which is not a censor board, btw, PEGI only gives ratings)
@couly Nope, Germany improved in that regard. As an example it's the fact the we got Saints Row IV uncut along with State of Decay and a lot other games that had to be cut down under.
@DiamondDM13 Then blame Sony; they are the only ones doing this. The rest of companies have understood that Germany (although still a bit sensitive) is a bit more open minded now. A lot of games are being released uncut here since 2010 (Fallout New Vegas GOTY, No more heroes, God of War, Gears of war 3 and Judgement, Witcher and a lot more...) But Sony still seems to have it's head stick in his ass...
I would just add that a game can have the PEGI seal along with the USK one as long as it is the EXACT same version. And inside German territory the USK rating always overrides the PEGI one (Since PEGI is an autonomous embodiment and USK is partially government dependent)
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