@hwahee Well, maybe I was unlucky but I had that a lot lately, with just a few exceptions. But if it follow a tradition then I gess it's just getting used to it.
@DeadrisingX1 @Warlord_Irochi Guess I did not explain myself correctly. I meant exactly what you said. I want to be able to do multiple saves, why they force me to have only one? makes no sense :(
@jecomans Not sure about that... PEGI is quite open-minded in general and they have no problem with anything as long as it does not conflict with the EU laws (ban on any for of glorification of terrorism, for example).
So nah... only Germany has problems with violence. The rest of the countries really don't care. And sex and nudity is a lot more tolerated here (specially in recent years)
@Darko-Ashitaka Self-censorchip is censorship itselfs. The final result is the same and, in this case, only follows the wish for more potential buyers.
The IS censorship here, it's called SELF-censorship. The End.
@Mr_Big_Boss From where? US version seems to be cut too (Nudity in this case) http://ps3trophies.com/forums/beyond-two-souls/36600-beyond-two-souls-censored-eu-possibly-us-too.html
@DanielL5583 Last time Sony said "It's only a few seconds" was in twited metal, and we got 5 seconds removed from the opening, another 5 from an ending, a full cinematic of 20 seconds removed and a special attack modified.
Sony lieas always when ti comes to what they cut (Don't forget TLOU multiplayer, for example)
Warlord_Irochi's comments