@NTM23 There is a point you got wrong there: a transgender has nothing to do with sexual orientation; transgender is a man/woman born with the wrong body. Which is something proved by both psychologist and scientist since a lot of years now (That is why genre-change operations are legal in so many places)
So a transgender can still be hetero, bisexual or homosexual, since it's completely independent of it.
(Just pointing this, not trying to flame you or whatever)
But most important: You DON'T like it, but you don't see it as a handicap or something that degrades somebody as a person either. I call that "respect", and It's good that you have it.
@OHGFawx That would be great. But the lack of this kind of games makes me thing that either there is little market for it OR (most likely) the publication process for indie games is still too restrictive and non-adaptive (unlike steam, which is very indie friendly)
Guidelines for self publishing seem to be different for next gen consoles. So we will provably see more indie game going in both consoles and PC, which is always a good thing.
@DeFiLeDTitan Gonna guess that is for me: I gave a proper argument from my own disappointment (I was a CoD player myself) and against a direct insult from this guy giving even room for some understanding: "Same way they play the game they like, we have all the right to show our negative opinion." as I said in the first comment.
Trolling is entering the conversation, throwing a definition without base, calling somebody troll while not proving the other person to be wrong. Maybe because you don't like what you read (just like this guy)
Fancy words do nothing to a text without purpose or content. Embrace it.
I obviously meant the FPS market and it's target audience. This is such basic knowledge about the industry that it should not be necessary to point it.
Warlord_Irochi's comments