@deadkingdg "Cosmetics may be applied in good taste so that colors blend with natural skin tone and enhance natural features. Exaggerated or faddish cosmetic styles are not authorized with the uniform and shall not be worn. Care should be taken to avoid an artificial appearance. Lipstick colors shall be conservative and complement the individual. Long false eyelashes shall not be worn while in uniform."
US Military guildelines on Make-up for female soldiers (The more you know! :D )
"Our previous engine would not handle that" "the engine's ability to power a multiplayer map made up of characters with custom appearances"
The removed Gore from Black Ops multyplayer in order to give it full customization, now they come with this. Activision throwing lies, what a surprise...
Every single NPC has an animation and idle position that gives life to it, most of the stuff in the hand-drawn scenarios and environments offer great color that fits each particular place. Music fits perfectly and light/darkness equilibrium is used as a tool to create a rich environment that gives life to the entire setting.
BUT people ignores all this and calls it "drawn by a teenager" because of some boobs and one ass whiting all that amazing artwork. Now who is the teenager here?
@survivor9712 Exactly that: The story and cahracters are just a excuse. The fun is in the craziness, blowing shit up, starting random mayhem...
It's just mindless fun. Don't take the game seriously and know what kind of stuff you are buying and you will enjoy it. Of course that translates into the "either you love it or hate it" field in which the entire SR saga is into.
I think ti's unfair to have a "Nolan North" voice with his own name on it while leaving Troy Baker (Jhoel in TLOU, Yuri Lowel in Tales of Vesperia i.e.) as "Male 1"
Warlord_Irochi's comments