@Zhaeshan @gamevixxen I must add that both TLOU and the last TR show what a real strong woman is. In most games the developers are only able to understand "strong woman" as "woman that behaves like a guy" (which shows how short-sighted they are sometimes)
@shingui5 Of course not, Another example with the opposite: I'm a man and I consider myself a feminist, but I like women with sexy look sin games because... surprise! I like the sight of a sexy woman!
Does that states as proof of being sexist? I don't think so. (proof of being heterosexual and that's pretty much it)
@Zhaeshan Women and men are different, and that is what makes both genres interesting and unique in their own way. Denying that would be stupid. People gets annoyed when one genre is represented as "less worthy" than the other, not because of the differences (Something that, in my opinion does not happen in this game, btw :) )
I can understand their point, but still: I think TLOU approached genre the way it must be done; not giving a hell about the which on each character belongs to.
(The loose of a daughter/wife as a base for the guys personality is a overused resource, but we can let that slide since the rest of the story is strong by itself)
Warlord_Irochi's comments