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The Walk Out


Perfect Day


I went into Tuesday bored and unmoved by what was about to happen. Monday was Memorial Day, the day we remember those who and have served in the military. Meaning we had no school.

This week is senior week, basically just a way for us seniors to "bond" one last time as a clas.s. Mostly it was just a waste of time, imo.

Tuesday is the start of the week (because Monday was Memorial Day). We had to be in school at the regular time, 7:25. Then we walked down to the cafe, where some teachers and parents who volunteered to help out. So the parents who kiss a$$ to get their children everything.

The kids in the grade split into two groups, depending on which elementary school they went too. The town has two elementary schools, then you are grouped into the middle school and then into the high school. If you did not go to either, meaning you moved into town, you get to pick which side you want to be on. One side wears white clothing and the other side wears black clothing. I wore the black Conan shirt I got for Christmas.

Most of the food was fruit but it was still a nice gesture. The parents decorated the cafe with balloons and stickers that go on windows, that read graduation or other ways to celebrate the cla$$ of 2011.

We then walked out into the parking lot, not knowing where we were supposed to go. We walked down to the football field, but was surprised to see the school was currently cutting the grass. So we walked over to the baseball field and started the games. The first game was capture the flag. Which was a fail. Like 80 kids on each side, you could not try for the other side unless you wanted to be out the first second you crossed the line. We played two rounds, with no winner. Shocking :roll:

Then we played tug a war. I sat this one at, since I was out of breath. So I became friends with some water on the sidelines.

After that we played a balloon toss. Each group consisted of two players tossing it back and forth. I cheated with the person I was playing with. We tossed a tennis ball I found back and forth a couple times. In the end though everyone just quit and began to throw balloons at each other.

Finally the school stopped cutting the grass, so we made our way down to the football field and did some races. No point, then we just sat in the sun and ate and talked. Then we went back in side and had our goodbyes.

Teachers are asked by the principal if they want to stay any final thoughts. If they do, then they come down to the place were we are sitting and they say their thoughts.

This is when things get very emotional. The first up was my chemistry teacher from sophomore year. His first year was our clas.ses freshmen year. He brought that up and gave us some advice. Next up was my history teacher from my junior year (she also runs graduation). She was near tears during her speech. My english teacher from my sophomore and junior year spoke, as did my history teacher from sophomore year. My homeroom teacher also spoke, but not for long as he is speaking at our graduation. He battled cancer last year and is retiring this year. Some other teachers I did not have spoke as well.

I think the most touching speech was actually two speeches. The first was from an special ed teacher. She was in my freshmen english clas.s and senior math clas.s. She mostly helps out with people with learning disabilities, it's also good to have her around, even though she wasn't there for me, she did help me pass some tests. A few months ago I found out that her birthday was in a couple days and I was able to plan a birthday party in clas.s for her.

But anyway, she thanked us and gave advice. But was very sad when she broke down crying in front of us. That was a very touching moment.

The other moment was when another teacher I did not have was near tears so she played this song. This was one of the last speeches. After that we got up and walked down the hall the goes to the exit. As we walked down other students from other grades and other teachers applauded, shook hands and hugged us as we walked out of the building.


My Series Finale


Limetree Warehouse


Ello and welcome to Tuesday. I usually do not write blogs on Tuesday, or most days at all for that matter. :P I apologize for the time I took off. Whether or not you cared, most people from here have vanished. I just finished reading 1984, and it makes perfect sence now what is happening on tv.com. ;)

But in all seriousness, I decided to make a blog today because today is very special. Today was my last day school. The last day of high school. Although I do have to go back for some finals, but I will talk about that later. It's weird in some way to be done. I never thought I would make it to the end. I always thought I would die in a flood, earthquake or fall out of an airplane and land in a wood chipper. But those didn't seem to happen, well not where I live anyway.

My final days have consisted of us watching movies mostly. In animation I was working on, well an animation. I did not want to enact all the laws of gravity, which takes some time to figure out. So I made my animation a dream sequence. It consisted of a girl running out her bedroom by a monster and she runs over a floating ramp past some floating doors and into a roating floating city. I only rendered a couple scenes because I ran out of time. But the teacher is happy I got something done. By the way if you are interested in computer animation check out this site right here. It has some good already made 3D objects. Some of them are free but others cost money.

In astronomy we were watching the movie Red Planet, terrible movie by they way. Our goal was to write a paper about everything the movie got right in the film. After that we started to watch Star Wars. The forth one, my favorites are Empire and Revenge. Today, the first day of the week which it did not rain, the teacher brought us outside to enjoy the spring heat. It was a nice way to end the clas.s.

In photography we were working on translucent photos. I have to return to the clas.s on thursday to take the final.

History we just finished learning about Tort Law. I have to return on thursday to take this final.

In English we just finished reading 1984. Good book, we started to watch the movie. Not a fan of that. After that we started to watch The Truman Show. It's one of my top five favorite films. We finished the clas.s with a game of ghost. I have to return for the final on thursday.

In math, I am one of the two seniors in the clas.s . I returned my book and we watched sernior intership presentations. I mentioned before, for the last term of the school year seniors are allowed to go out and do interships. Then the week before graduation they give a presentations of what they did. I played cards with some people in the audience.

That was my last few days.

More in the last few days before graduation.


Historical Truth


"When Sir Walter Raleigh was imprisoned in the Tower of London, he occupied himself with writing a history of the world. He had finished the first volume and was at work on the second when there was a scuffle between some workmen beneath the window of his cell, and one of the men was killed. In spite of diligent enquiries, and in spite of the fact that he had actually seen the thing happen, Sir Walter was never able to discover what the quarrel was about; whereupon, so it is said -- and if the story is not true it certainly ought to be -- he burned what he had written and abandoned his project.

This story has come into my head I do not know how many times during the past ten years, but always with the reflection that Raleigh was probably wrong. Allowing for all the difficulties of research at that date, and the special difficulty of conducting research in prison, he could probably have produced a world history which had some resemblance to the real course of events. Up to a fairly recent date, the major events recorded in the history books probably happened. It is probably true that the battle of Hastings was fought in 1066, that Columbus discovered America, that Henry VIII had six wives, and so on. A certain degree of truthfulness was possible so long as it was admitted that a fact may be true even if you don't like it. Even as late as the last war it was possible for the Encyclopedia Britannica, for instance, to compile its articles on the various campaigns partly from German sources. Some of the facts -- the casualty figures, for instance -- were regarded as neutral and in substance accepted by everybody. No such thing would be possible now. A Nazi and a non-Nazi version of the present war would have no resemblance to one another, and which of them finally gets into the history books will be decided not by evidential methods but on the battlefield.

During the Spanish civil war I found myself feeling very strongly that a true history of this war never would or could be written. Accurate figures, objective accounts of what was happening, simply did not exist. And if I felt that even in 1937, when the Spanish Government was still in being, and the lies which the various Republican factions were telling about each other and about the enemy were relatively small ones, how does the case stand now? Even if Franco is overthrown, what kind of records will the future historian have to go upon? And if Franco or anyone at all resembling him remains in power, the history of the war will consist quite largely of "facts" which millions of people now living know to be lies. One of these "facts," for instance, is that there was a considerable Russian army in Spain. There exists the most abundant evidence that there was no such army. Yet if Franco remains in power, and if Fascism in general survives, that Russian army will go into the history books and future school children will believe in it. So for practical purposes the lie will have become truth.

This kind of thing is happening all the time. Out of the millions of instances which must be available, I will choose one which happens to be verifiable. During part of 1941 and 1942, when the Luftwaffe was busy in Russia, the German radio regaled its home audiences with stories of devastating air raids on London. Now, we are aware that those raids did not happen. But what use would our knowledge be if the Germans conquered Britain? For the purposes of a future historian, did those raids happen, or didn't they? The answer is: If Hitler survives, they happened, and if he falls they didn't happen. So with innumerable other events of the past ten or twenty years. Is the Protocols of the Elders of Zion a genuine document? Did Trotsky plot with the Nazis? How many German aeroplanes were shot down in the Battle of Britain? Does Europe welcome the New Order? In no case do you get one answer which is universally accepted because it is true: in each case you get a number of totally incompatible answers, one of which is finally adopted as the result of a physical struggle. History is written by the winners.

In the last analysis our only claim to victory is that if we win the war we shall tell fewer lies about it than our adversaries. The really frightening thing about totalitarianism is not that it commits "atrocities" but that it attacks the concept of objective truth; it claims to control the past as well as the future. In spite of all the lying and self-righteousness that war encourages, I do not honestly think it can be said that that habit of mind is growing in Britain. Taking one thing with another, I should say that the press is slightly freer than it was before the war. I know out of my own experience that you can print things now which you couldn't print ten years ago. War resisters have probably been less maltreated in this war than in the last one, and the expression of unpopular opinion in public is certainly safer. There is some hope, therefore, that the liberal habit of mind, which thinks of truth as something outside yourself, something to be discovered, and not as something you can make up as you go along, will survive. But I still don't envy the future historian's job. Is it not a strange commentary on our time that even the casualties in the present war cannot be estimated within several millions?"

This passage was written by George Orwell and published in Feb 4, 1944. I was presented with a paper with this essay on it today in clas.s. Whether or not you take something from it, I believe that it fits in with what is happening today. It's difficult to explain what is going on, depending on what has been said or not. Whether or not the death of Osama Bin Laden really means anything, the fighting will go on and the memories will never fade. Yet they will, whether you want them to or not.

I was watching a onion video a few days ago, this one, and even though it's a joke it makes me wonder when will the time come when 9/11 ceases to be life and become history. The first sign of this was back in November when people started the phrase "don't touch my junk" because of the precautions the TSA were taking to make sure people were safe.

On monday morning at 5:30 (AM) my sister barged into my bedroom and asked me If I was awake at midnight. I said no and she said well apparently Obama was on and said Osama Bin Laden is dead. I immediately got dressed and rushed down stairs to the TV and turned it on. I switched between the local CBS, ABC, NBC AND FOX stations. I then switched to the BBC channel. I like to hear what the outside says about what is happening here.

The reporters on the BBC were calm and cool and should concern for people in the states partying in the streets like savages. I was taken aback by their description of our responce. I went back to the local stations and they all featured college students partying in the streets. I cringed at the site, I then turned to the local FOX channel. The lady on the show kept saying Obama died,:roll: FOX for you. One of the anchors was boldy saying that he was glad Osama was dead. But was dissppointed that Obama was so calm when he made the speech.

I went to school and sat and listened to the big topic in the news. In math, the teacher and a fellow student had a 50 minute conversation about how USA is the boss. :?

I think the most impactful moment of the day was when one of the local stations went live to ground zero while interviewing the wife of a person lost on 9/11. Her husband was in one of the planes that hit one of the towers. She said when she talked to her youngest child, they said it changes nothing.

This video, to me is very powerful. Take a look if you care.


Even on a Cloudy Day


Cage the Elephant


I want to thank everybody who wished my a happy anniversary, I also left some comments for you on the last blog. Check it out here if you want to.

Welcome to Friday, I missed thursday.

When I sat down to write this I had many things to write about. But when it finally came down to writing it here on this blog, nothing came to mind. I don't know, maybe it is a loss of focus. Or maybe I really have nothing interesting to say, that will interest you.

In astronomy, we just finished up watching the movie Roswell, it's about the UFO cover up theories that live among that. Not sure if the whole movie makes sence. But our government does cover up most stories. To keep order and for the best. Especially the whole "area 51" crap. It's just a military base. After we finished the movie, we started to watch the tv series about Stephen Hawkin. On the side, groups with three people in each, get together and have to build a rocket out of plastic bottles and now week we'll fire them off. It should be fun.

With Gov and Law, we just finished watching Helter Skelter. Which is about the Manson Family and the murders they commited and the trial. After finishing the movie we started learn about police misconduct.

British Lit, we just finished reading Hamlet and Frankenstein. Now we are headed on to read 1984.

In math we are going to play chess. For the fun of it I guess.

I mentioned this before, but in the school year the seniors get to go on interships for the last few months of the school year. Basically to get a better understanding of the workplace and to skip school. The seniors going on the internships final day is April 8. Because of this every senior has to take a 3 quarter final. It starts on monday so I have to get to studying.


5th Anniversary


I decided to take part in the college basketball bracket, just for bragging rights. I picked Scracuse and Pittsburgh to face it out in the end. Oh what a disappointment that was. While checking my email, I went into my calendar and discovered it was my fifth anniversary on the cnets.

I was taken aback for a minute, wow 2006 was five years ago? For some reason, I still feel like 2005 never ended, but that is another story for another time. It weird, for lack of a better term, to realize about five years ago I made my attack on tv.com. Originally my mom's account for random "friends" facts, I remember a time my cousin hacked the account and told everyone I was a girl.

Back then I was in middle school, 12 years old (not old enough for tv.com anyway since their age limit starts at 13, sue me). Facebook had not come into norm and I am not sure twitter was even a thought yet. I sit behind my computer thinking (not in third person) what I have done here.

My first friend was railly, who labelled himself as a Scottish pot head. I remember WudaiWarrior 5, my public spat with trinitysmummy. It was over so stupid, editorship over the cast of Everbody Loves Raymond (if you care all of them are up currrently for grabs if you want to be the editor for them, check them out here). And I will finally admit, I did game The Winner guide to hold onto the editorship.

I would describe my duty as editor of guides as like a teenager learning how to drive with the car on auto pilot. I had no control and I was terrible at the control once I was in charge. Good examples of this was during my time as editor of America's Most Wanted and Chelsea Lately.

I think my greatest contributions on tv.com was probably in the Avatar guide and SNL guide. The avatar forum was an overpopulated mess of fans compiled into one area. So much problems were caused, the mods moved in and banned people left and right.

And now the snl forums. I joined in on the forum and released a confusing mess of comments. I had a strong dislike for Amy Poehler, which has ended. My comments were ignorant, rude and selfish but it was nice to have people there that would give it back. Smart educated people who knew what they were talking about, while I on the other hand knew nothing and yet made it seem like I did.:? I went back to the SNL forum for the first time in months and looked at some of the comments I left and I wonder why I posted them.

When I checked my email, I thought, wow 2006 was five years ago. I also thought, I haven't written a blog in weeks. I have totally forgotting about it. I have some free time now.

The school year is ending, mock trial is over. We lost to our enemys.

Check out this song backwards.


Us, Helter Skelter and Contact.




Hello and welcome to monday. It's school vacation week, it's nice to kick back and relax. Some schools in the area are going to have clas.ses to make up for time lost because of all the snow days they had. My school only got three, which is a record if you are counting. I plan to read some books and fill out paper work for.

My British Literature clas.s is currently reading Hamlet. Since the play is over 400 years old, I find no need for use of spoilers. So we are currently at the part where Hamlet is confiding in his mother. This is scene where he kills Polonius. If The Lion King has taught me anything is that the uncle will die. :roll:

After the vacation the clas.s will also be starting Frankenstein. The teacher wants to start the book, because he is afraid we will not get to it in time. In time for when students go off on internships. (Seniors are allowed to go out on internships during the last part of the year) I do not plan to do one, I would rather finish up my time at the school.

In gov and law we are reading Helter Skelter. It details the case of the Manson Family. It goes on about the crime, the investigation and the trial. I am currently learing about how the lawyers for the prosecution were brought in.


Mock trial is going great, we won are first two trials. We are going to have our third on March 2 against one of our archenemies. The case this year is about involuntary manslaughter. A senior clas.s were holding their prank and it was to collect random items from around the town. A student is accused of stealing a stop sign that caused a couple to die. Because they drove into an intersection and were hit by a truck.


Moving on to movies. I finally saw 2001: A Space Odyssey. We started watching it on friday in astronomy. We finished the scene with the apes and started the part with the people walking by red furniture. I could not wait so I rented the movie from the library. I loved the film, particulary the ending. Watch here, now that's good film making. Having story be told with no dialogue and yet still convey what life is like. Brilliant. This the second movie that Kubrick directed that I have seen. The other being The Shining. I am sure missing out on some of his other greats works.

We also watched The Day The Earth Stood Still and Carl Sagan's Contact. I loved the TDTESS until the ending. I understand the message of the film, but pumping up the big reveal and then having the reveal be nothing more than be nice or will kill the earth and then flying off made me disappointed in the final product. I though Contact was good but the special effects were far more impressive than the plot. Just watch this scene. Zemeckis does a nice job explaing himself here.

I know Sagan had issues with the idea of god and faith. The movie really makes you think about faith. Like in the scene where they build the machine and hold a panel to see who is best to go on the mission. The question Jodie Foster's character because she has no faith in religion, but when she returns from the "failed mission" she questions then about their faith because they do not believe her. :?


Today is also President's Day. A day to honor presidents of the United States. Tossed into this month because of popular presidents Washington and Lincoln. I have a strange little fascination for the presidents, especially the bad ones. I remember when I was taking a math test and finished very early. I spent the rest of the cla.ss memorizing the presidents in order while everybody else was finish their test.

I like the most underrated presidents like Polk and Wilson. I find Kennedy and Reagan to be overrated. The history channel is running this sick show about the presidents. You can watch it here, from the start with Washington.

I have never met a president but I do have some connection to some. My dad is friends with a guy whose family owns (and where he grew up) the house where George H. W. Bush was born. I have been there a couple times and it is a great place to get lost in. Speaking of being in president's houses ;) I have been in the Adam's homes. The house were Adams and Quincy Adams were born and the mansion were he died in.

To end off, what movies have you seen in recent times, what's your favorite president and what are your plans for the rest of the week.


The Couch Commander


Magic Carpet Ride


Another day another delay. I apologize for the absence.

Good news is that I finally got into a college. This one, it's a great feeling for now. Highschool is coming to end, about 120 days, not like I am counting. :P

So far this year I have had three snow days. A record of sorts. The real problem is the snow that is on the roofs. There have been a lot of roof collaspes.

I have mock trial tomorrow, so that explains why this blob is lacking any real substance. So I'll end off this with a sad commerical here


Sketchy White Vans


Everlasting Light


Hello and welcome to monday. Yes monday, I am behind on a couple blogs so why not today?

Gabrielle Giffords continues to define the odds after being shot in the head. Now she in rehab, although it will take some time to regain lost time she has the confort, support and loving care of her, family, friends and her people. Now on to some lesser good news about her attempted killer. He has plead not gulity, story here. No surprise there, but this trial (if and when) will in most likelihood be a drawn out process. Not sure if his lawyers have filled for a motion for change of venue, because there is no way this trial will take place in Arizona.

And now on to some better news, depending if you are not from the New York area. The jets lost :D hehe. Watching that game, The Steelers were totally crushing them into oblivion. Until the second half when the jets staged an unsuccessful come back. Don't care who wins the superbowl, I am just happy the jets lost. But if I had to call it i call the Steelers winning, but it shall be close.

Moving away from spots and into films. My good friend Woolsey is big into movies. And currently collecting all the movies that have won best pictures at those oscar awards. Since the awards are coming up soon (few weeks I think?) I thought I would list off the 10 movies I think will get nominated for best movie for 2010.

127 Hours
Black Swan
The Fighter
The Kid's Are All Alright
The King's Speech
The Social Network
The Town
Toy Story 3
True Grit

Wanna put some money down? Lets see how I do.

I mentioned in the last blog that some mock trial buddies were going to perform a Queen hit, well here it is. I also put it on facebook.

Don't forget to check out these other people's blogs

LadyIngue's CSI

HelloStuart's Comments of the Week

JPPT1974's news.

See you soon


Medium Series Finale


Bohemian Rhapsody


Welcome to January 20, 2011

It's strange to think about it but the month is almost over. It feels like the new year just happened. Snow currently reigns surpreme as we already had two big snow storms. We even got a snow day out of it! The town I live in never gives snow days. While everything thing else in New England is closed we have to go to school. On the bright side, seniors do not have to make up the days missed by having a snow day. Since we are out of there by the fourth of June (graduation day) whether we like it or not and we like it. We are getting more snow tomorrow!

We just finished watching Back to the Future in astronomy clas$. Great film, seen it a couple times. Even better watching it in a group, you end up learning something you missed the first time. One part I missed is when Marty goes back into time and shows the picture of him and his siblings to Doc, Doc says the picture is a fake since the part top of the brother's head is missing. I totally missed it, the brother was already starting to disappear after Marty messed up time.

Here is a question, if you could go back in time what would you do and what would the consequences of you going back there?

In English we are currently reading Hamlet. It's a British Literature course, so far we have read Beowulf, some works of Chaucer and King Athur. The Green Knight mostly. Back to Hamlet, we just got to the part where he (Hamlet) meets his dead father. Was it murder? Was it betrayal? Was it the phantom pooper? This brings back memories of Hamlet 2, take a look.


A while back in this blog I showed a Queen song. There is something behind that song, not the original meaning. A few people from my mock trial group are performing the song as the school talent show. It's a parody of American Idol, for better or worse. One of the girls is a big Mercury fan, whether or not it should be interesting.

Tomorrow also marks a sad note, Medium will finally end. I have been a fan of the show ever since I saw Arquette in the movie Holes. She was smoking hot in the movie and when I saw the movie on tv in 2007 I switched over to the show.

I also noticed on google they are celebrating the 50th anniversary of JFK's inauguration. All the local new stations have been playing it out. Added with the increase interest in the family after the death of Eunice and Ted. Although the star is and will always be John. So strange time is, gone by so fast.


Snakes on a Train


Get Off My Cloud


With out a doubt the big story of the week and probably for the near future is the shootings in Arizona. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and countless others were shot by a 22 year old. I remember the Virgina Tech shootings very well. After a few days of mourning, it's going to spark into a debate. And what is going to be down is fast action solution that will be put in place to quiet the critics. A few weeks ago a person who was allowed to go on probation shot and killed a police office not far from where I live. It was a huge news story, people will forget that officer.

National tragedy it is and when its a national issue everybody is going to hear about it. Who are we going to blame, the left or right? Why must politics even be brought into this? People are blaming Sarah Palin for a target list she created during the past election. Now I despice Palin with a burning passion, but The Beatles weren't talking to Manson. Judas Priest didn't cause the teens to commit suicide, Jodie Foster didn't encourge the a$$a$$ination attempt on Reagan. For every nut job, there is warping of religious/poltical belief. Unless someone actually put a hitlist in his hands and gave him the means, it is all rhetoric.

To all the victims rest in peace.


I found this funny article about a guy who reported a suspicious box that was left on his porch and it turned out to be something he ordered online.

Here is an article about the laws of cartoon physics

Woman lost snake on Boston train, look here

Getting back to Arizona a little bit. I got up on satuday morning at 3am to drive my sister to her college campus. She meeing a group of people who were taking a week long trip to.....you guessed it Arizona. To help out the homeless.

For Law and Government Cla$$ we need to find a movie about Law, mostly just about lawyers. After we watch the movie we have to write a paper on how the law is used in the movie and how the lawyer is represented. I watched 12 Angry Men a few weeks ago, but the teacher will not allow us to pick it. I had in mind

To Kill A Mockingbird

A Man for All Seasons

Kramer v Kramer

- what do you think is the best?

see you soon.