Weavertec's forum posts
yep you have failure on the way. Hope you're under warranty :( look at it like this: electronics sometimes have a nice plasticy smell...but not a burning smell....burning = components under duress :(ydnarrewopI'm not under warranty :( I'm going to call Sony anyway. I've had this PS3 for 2 years, never any problems, since 2 weeks. 3 times shutdown b/c of electricity failure, and 1 (almost perma) shutdown cause of overheating.
I got it and I didn't beg. But my friends did help me... altough I think I made amazing levels (got over 100 hearts) I still think people who just aren't creative should still be able to get the trophy. But someone in my friendslist published 20 heart 4 heart levels, that's just sad. He got it within 1 day.I don't like it when people beg for that trophy. the trophy is supposed to be a reward for people who creat awsome popular levels. it's not an achievment you get by begging your friends to help you.
design something amazing then you might get that trophy, isn't that the whole point of LBP?
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