Here are 3 more Insurgency keys. I have no friends who play, so here you go! Enjoy -
Weird_Jerk's forum posts
I even liked the music in those old games lol. Nether Animal from that UT video was a pretty awesome track!
Needless to say, if UT4 returns to its roots, I will be a very happy camper.
This may sound crazy, but you may be onto something. The logic behind this ran through my head before you even mentioned it. In GTA and other similar games (Hitman, Saints Row, Far Cry, Just Cause, etc.), the killing of unarmed civilians is usually either a choice that the player makes on the side while serving a larger purpose in the game, or such a minimal point that it is insignificant (time spent mindlessly murdering innocents is likely much, much less than the time spent completing goals). The goal may be to get from the bank to your house. This doesn't mean the player is forced into shooting and stabbing as many people as he can along the way to get rewarded for the contents of old women's purses. Your claim is an a propriori, that players are invited to shoot and stab hookers, as if that's what everyone is supposed to do, is inherently flawed (This is pretty much the same claim Whats-her-face (Gamergate crap, idk) said about Hitman). The purpose of the game is to get from point A to point B; the games just offer a lot more freedom to break from linear gameplay. Other games tell stories, serve goals, and offer fun based in competition, whether violent or not. Violence in itself is not at all issue here (for me). It's the way the violence is portrayed and the motivation behind it. I know recency biases may be at play here, considering all the movie theater and school shootings in the past couple years, so keep that in mind.
Secondly, I realize the game is not "realistic" in its interpretation of the real world. The world is not set to grayscale, and giant goth guys can't akimbo-fire 12 gauge shotguns without recoil. On the other hand, this game has no other motivation; the only purpose is that the guy just wants to kill as many innocent people as possible. The difference between this and GTA in terms of relation to the real world effects influenced by inspiration is that few people have the motivation, let alone the planning ability, to successfully complete a bank heist. There is skill involved in planning a bank robbery (I should know, I'm an expert). Also, robbing a bank would also infer that the ones attempting the heist have other motives, such as staying alive and getting away safely to actually, you know, spend that money they just worked so hard to steal. With this game, it's a relatively accessible game plan. Anyone could just wake up one day really pissed with life, grab a gun, and blow away as many innocent muhfuggas as he can before turning the gun on himself. This is a creative choice of the developer, and I do not disagree with allowing them to do as they please, but I have become pussified over the years and feel that this could become some sort of creative inspiration for a delinquent with sociopathic, perhaps schizoid tendencies and strong beliefs about what should and should not be (like Anders Breivik, who wrote 2083: A European Declaration of Independence), to attempt to reenact some of the behavior portrayed in this game.
I'm not discrediting your opinion or the opinion of anyone else here. I don't feel that anything you said is completely right or wrong. I'm probably looking too far into this, but I just feel that this game will almost certainly be worse than Naughty Bear. The replay value in that game was just abysmal at best. TOTAL DEFLUFFICATION was the only thing going for it.
Okay, after reading some more posts on this topic, I would like to say that I am all for creative freedom. I enjoy when devs get to craft something they personally enjoy making. Censorship in this case would be pushing too far in the wrong direction from the outside, so I would still say that is off the table. However, to say that video games do not influence affect or behavior in any way is complete balogna. This is not to say that this game should be the scapegoated cause of a to-be mass murder, but perhaps understanding the motives behind this character and what people will be conditioning themselves to view for countless hours having mindless fun should be considered. I remember when I was a small lad and MK1 came out, and there was an outcry with that, too.
Then came the ESRB. On one hand, it did in some way limit creative freedom, but it also standardized a rating system by through which games of certain maturity could not be sold to minors, who are undoubtedly more influenceable. Indeed, I grew up on MK, and UT'99 was one of my favorites. I do not necessarily believe that video games cause behavior, but instead that being exposed to certain levels of gratuity will dull one's perceptiveness to what is too much. I'm taking a guess here and assuming (unsheltered) people who grew up on video games will know the difference from games and reality, perhaps learning newer skills or improved eye-hand coordination, etc. It could have many benefits, but hand a game like this to some deranged individual, and you may be boiling that pot a little bit over, if you know what I mean.
So, reiterating what I said before, there are other games that have incredibly, incredibly violent, immersive, murderous scenarios, but many times, the AI are monsters seeking to destroy humanity, or are other armed humans through which there is some sort of skill being tested for the player via healthy competition. I just don't see that with this game at all. Again, I'm not saying creative freedom should be limited. I am just saying that I feel that this game will definitely be bad, and the devs should feel bad. It's beyond the level of Manhunt and even Postal in terms of conveying the motive of "I just want to kill as many innocent, unarmed people as I can before I die a horrible death." I mean the guy outright says that in the trailer, lol. I mean, at my campus, I'll see others in the computer labs looking up fights, accidents, and deaths and going crazy over them of how they love how some guy broke his neck.. or got ripped in half... or shot himself. They love it. At that point, it's beyond the point of curiosity and to the point of unhealthy seeking of more for pleasure.
I don't mean to speak for others, but I think this is the position that airshocker and I have in common. This game just seems irresponsible and promotes mindless killing of innocents set to real-world scenarios using motives that are actually at play in mass shootings. It's poor taste.
@airshocker: It seems like poor taste to me. At least with Naughty Bear, the purpose was to cause chaos and the AI were just teddy bears lol. This game is obviously just a grab for media coverage and attention, hence the guy who kills innocent civilians as the...protagonist? The only reason people will buy it is because of the hype and attention it will receive. Without all the attention, I cannot in my right mind believe that anyone could rate this game highly based on the game's own merits. I can guarantee this game will completely suck in terms of gameplay, story (what story?), sound design, etc.
@napo_sp: I wouldn't say that. I just upgraded my speakers a couple days ago, and in games I am now hearing things I had never heard before. Then again, everything sounds an order of magnitude better...
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