My grand ma's dog has doe's often and never die's he just is in the corner and shaking (and for those that laugh at it here's a gift to you "Burn in hell!!!"
Well I went to Wal-Mart to pick up a new XBOX (Original game) because I beat my 10 other's find's out wal-mart no longer carry's stock of that system and just xbox 360 now so untill I upgrade were should I sell my xbox?
It may of had a sickness when it was born I rember I saw a kitten that was born with a weak leg and lung's and it died a few week's later it could of just been when it was born no need blaming your self for somthing nature has done it's ok doe because your little doggy is now very happy and he will always be with you :D but why must the cute and young die young! :cry:
Well I told my mother I wanted a gamecube back in 2003 so she was at wal-mart looking for one and saw one left then these two black females came up and wanted the same one well my mom wupped there ass! (wishI had pictures) but bad new's is that the gamecube tore up later on (on it's own not by accident or purposs) and my mom almost got her rib's broken for nothing but it was fun so share your mom kicking ass storie's here please :D
Mine is "The Legend of Zelda (Original NES edition for Gamecube)" that game was fun to play and alot more harder then the 3D one's but not harder then the wind waker
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